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[REL]Mine Sweeper


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Minesweeper is grid based game where you must locate and 'flag' all the mines on the grid.

each cell of the grid once revealed will either contain a number, a mine or an empty square. The numbers themselves reflect the number of mines adjacent to that cell. (see the example grid below)

Should you be unlucky enough to click upon a mine the game will end, giving you a chance to start it again.

Each game is timed. (there is no limit, just a timer counting how long it takes you to win)

Example Grid:






0 = Empty cell

* = Mine

1 = One mine adjacent to this cell.

2 = Two mines adjacent to this cell

3 = Three mines adjacent to this cell.


Right click = 'flags' a cell as a mine.

Left click = reveals the contents of a cell.

Additional Information:

MS4MTA can be easily installed onto any server and activated by typing /ms in the main chat box.

MS4MTA contains three difficulty settings that can be chosen by the user at any time restarting any current game in progress.


https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3505

Edited by Guest
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Hey, may I implement this on my race server? I will make it that you can play minesweeper when you die and can earnsome cash when finishing the game.

Sure use it how you like, The reason I reason I released it was so people could use it :)


Awesome, thank you! Once done I'll notify you and you could have a look on my server if you want to :)

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