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help with making server hosting for mta san andreas


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Not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish.

If you're trying to host a mta server through an website it would be against the webhosting rules unless they're weird.

Also, a free hosting website would not offer you SSH access like someone mentioned 000webhost.

If you're trying to make a website where they can rent a mta sa server for free you'd need some PHP and Linux skills. And I doubt anyone would help you without getting payed, I wouldn't. It's pretty hard to connect php - linux.

edit: If you're planning on hosting many servers I'd recommend to buy a server desktop. You'll however need alot to host free servers to all lol and server's aren't cheap.

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  • 2 months later...

i need your help with making web host for mta san andreas to host servers on it

and i have game panel script php and i dont how to make it

first what i buy server or Reseller or VPS

i need your help guys to make a free hosting for mta san andreas for all 8)

If you want to host game servers you could use VPS but its not really good enough really you need to rent a dedicated server+ a games control panel then u really need to create your website and host it all off a dedicated.

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