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Last Breat-A stunt vid by blah and ashes

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no its not my internet ive asked multiple people to try and d/l and they all get extremly slow speeds. Yes you can d/l from the middle east but thats off a T1 dedicated ftp. Does homestead give you that?? Neways im not complaining at all just saying a western host would be good too.

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well, overall i like the movie a lot.. but personally i think it's too bad that it changed halfway, cause the first part was really relaxing and dreamy to watch. and then the music muscled up, while the stunts stayed about the same. but i guess that's just personal.. what was the first song called, btw?

as for the stunts, there were some pretty nice ones, and at least most of them were pretty original.. so if i'll get my scoreboard...

stunts: 7,5 (good, nothing extreme, some lucky)

editing: 7

originality: 7,5

overall: 7,5 (just how much i liked it ;p)

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Yea it was a nice movie, a bit over the average. I liked that cheetah stand on the wodden bridge. But as Thar mentioned it could have been pretty cool if you would've kept the first song in the whole movie but that's nothing major.

Stunts: 7,5

Editing: 7


About the speed i got 17kb/s and im living in Sweden which I think is good.

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