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Getting the nearest Element...


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vehicle1x, vehicle1y, vehicle1z = getElementPosition ( vehicle1 ) -- HERE I would get all the local vehicles? 
vehicle2x, vehicle2y, vehicle2z = getElementPosition ( vehicle2 ) -- SO HERE I would put the local player? 
--Warp stuff here? 

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vehicle1x, vehicle1y, vehicle1z = getElementPosition ( vehicle1 ) -- HERE I would get all the local vehicles? 
vehicle2x, vehicle2y, vehicle2z = getElementPosition ( vehicle2 ) -- SO HERE I would put the local player? 
--Warp stuff here? 

No, but you'll get specified vehicle.

Yes, you can put local player.

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@CapY: No! That will only give an error as it's not finished.

local type = "object" -- Type: vehicle, ped, player, object ect. 
for key,value in ipairs(getElementsByType(type)) do 
     -- Stuff here 

He wants ALL ELEMENTS, not OBJECTS, meaning ALL TYPES that elements can be in MTA:SA.

Create a colShape in your position and check all elements that are within the colShape.

Now output everything like..


- ID: idhere


- Type: typehere


- Name: namehere


- Vehicle model and name: model, name


It's easy if you'd know more scripting :D

I am on my phone so can't do much but will help you tomorrow step by step.

Edited by Guest
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Then just do like myonlake said.

Create a colShape about 100m radius and attach it to a player, add a handler for colShape hit, then walk around, when your colShape hits an element, check if it's an vehicle, if it is, then warp player into.

I'm bad at explaining.

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Hello again,

This script is server-side.

Few things you should know:

- localPlayer: built-in source after 1.1 for client-side only

- client-side: clients download the Lua file on their own computer, meaning that they are able to read your code if it's not compiled. Not much lag. However you should -always- try to make your scripts server-side.

- server-side: clients will not download the Lua file on their on computer, meaning that the server reads the code. This lags more than client-side.

- bugs: happens if not considered about them because of hurry

There is a small 'bug' in this code, it's about that warping. It might end rough if many cars in the colshape. And to fix that, go to the previous page and take a look at the first reply. It's one option, use your imagination and ask help if you're not sure. Just remember to tell us some details what you think'll work.

function(player, cmd) 
     local element = "vehicle" 
     local radius = 100 
     local warp_successful = "Nearest vehicles warped to you." 
     local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) 
     local colshape = createColSphere(tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z), tonumber(radius)) 
     for index, value in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(colshape, element)) do 
          setElementPosition(value, tonumber(x) - 2, tonumber(y), tonumber(z)) 
          outputChatBox(tostring(warp_successful), player, 220, 220, 0) 
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