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These are my suggestions for new version

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:lol: More characters, ammu-nation shops in use (buy guns), drugstores in use (buy healt), bar's and restaurants in use (buy healt), :wink: privat messages (mobile phone), score and money separately, killing gives scores and money. gang areas, gang A members spawn to gang A area, not to gang B area. modified cars (gta: vc) support, looks and acts like normal cars in MTA, mta radio, gang radio
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More characters, ammu-nation shops in use (buy guns), drugstores in use (buy healt), bar's and restaurants in use (buy healt),

Nice ideas...but then we need a money system

score and money separately


: modified cars (gta: vc) support, looks and acts like normal cars in MTA, mta radio, gang radio

bandwith = gone if that happens =p

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