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Gates(ACL group)


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local marker1 = createMarker( -1530, 483, 6.3, "cylinder", 10, 0, 255, 255, 0 ) 
local gate1 = createObject( 976, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875 ) 
-- Local Functions 
function openGate1( hitElement ) 
if (getElementType(hitElement) == "player" ) then 
moveObject( gate1, 1500, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 2.9375 ) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", marker1, openGate1 ) 
function closeGate1( leftElement ) 
if (getElementType(leftElement) == "player" ) then 
moveObject( gate1, 1500, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875 ) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", marker1, closeGate1 ) 

It's code...

Of owner SAUR's

Its ok?

Edited by Guest
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It's code on gates with password...

I need auto close/open gates...

Gates with Marker:)

local marker1 = createMarker( -1530, 483, 6.3, "cylinder", 10, 0, 255, 255, 0 )

local gate1 = createObject( 976, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875 )

local marker1 = createMarker( -1530, 483, 6.3, "cylinder", 10, 0, 255, 255, 0 ) 
local gate1 = createObject( 976, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875 ) 
-- Local Functions 
function openGate1( hitElement ) 
if (getElementType(hitElement) == "player" ) then 
moveObject( gate1, 1500, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 2.9375 ) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", marker1, openGate1 ) 
function closeGate1( leftElement ) 
if (getElementType(leftElement) == "player" ) then 
moveObject( gate1, 1500, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875 ) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", marker1, closeGate1 ) 

Please help me!

How do to gates open on ACL grouP!?

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-- Gate object, which will be created when the resource is started 
local gate = createObject(985, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875, 0, 0, 270.27014160156) 
-- Marker, which will be created when the resource is started 
local marker = createMarker(-1530, 483, 6.3, "cylinder", 4, 255, 255, 255, 140) 
-- Function, which moves the gate when you hit the marker and you have a right to kick a player 
function moveGate(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) 
    if hasObjectPermissionTo(hitPlayer, "function.kickPlayer") then -- Check if the player has permission to kick a player 
        moveObject(gate, 5000, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 2.9375) -- Function that moves the gate away 
        setTimer(moveBack, 5000, 1) -- Timer that triggers when the gate is moved 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) -- When the player hits a marker with name 'marker', the function with name 'moveGate' will be triggered 
-- Function that moves the gate back to it's position 
function moveBack() 
    moveObject(gate, 5000, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875) 

Edited by Guest
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local gate = createObject(985, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875, 0, 0, 270.27014160156) 
local marker = createMarker(-1530, 483, 6.3, "cylinder", 4, 255, 255, 255, 140) 
function moveGate(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) 
    if hasObjectPermissionTo(hitPlayer, "function.kickPlayer") then 
        moveObject(gate, 5000, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 2.9375) 
        setTimer(moveBack, 5000, 1) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) 
function moveBack() 
    moveObject(gate, 5000, -1534.4836425781, 482.15185546875, 6.1875) 


Where's I can add me to permissions?

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Moderators and Administrators are able to kick players from your server. The script checks if the player who triggers the moving gate function has permission to kick a player.

In another words, it checks if you're an admin or moderator.

It only works for admins and moderators, not for everyone.

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