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Help me some Script


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Hi all

i have idea i want Make a resource that

show the Players Name and there Health Only and get the Players team

example if iam team 1 and team 1 got Players can see the Name of there frinds and there Health

and team 2 the same

every team see there frinds info only

can any one give me the functions and events so i can start Make it ?


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is this right ?

local name = getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) 
local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) 
local dm = getElementHealth ( getLocalPlayer() ) 
function hp () 
label1 = guiCreateLabel(1240,585,125,17,"Health :",false) 
guiSetText ( label1, dm, team ) 
setTimer ( hp, 2000, 1) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), hp ) 

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First, a label gets created every time the local player spawns.. If he spawns 30 times, the screen will have 30 labels and the handle element for each will be lost

Secondly, you're using guiSetText with 3 arguments when it only has 2 and the second one should be a STRING.

Thirdly, guiSetText syntax aside, it is simply wrong because 'team' and 'dm' never really change. They are only called once when the script loads up.

Fourthly, but not least, the setTimer screws everything up even more.. (function called multiple times, see first, second and third points above)

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label1 = guiCreateLabel(1240,585,125,17,"Health :",false) 
function hp () 
if getLocalPlayer()==source then 
local name = getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) 
local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) 
local dm = getElementHealth ( getLocalPlayer() ) 
guiSetText ( label1,"Your name:  "..name.."  Your Team:  "..team.."  Your Health:  "..dm ) 
setTimer ( hp, 2000, 1) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), hp ) 

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