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Function for isElementOnGround


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I was thinking, instead of using isVehicleOnGround or isPedOnGround,

why don't we make isElementOnGround and remove these function, plus it could check if an object is on the ground...

What about it guyz/girlz?

veh's and ped's are the main two things that use phys engine. rest doesn't. just compare the Z coordinate.

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--Returns true if the given element is on the ground, false otherwise. 
--Note: this may return incorrect values if the element is not streamed in. 
function isElementOnGround(element) 
    if not isEntity(element) then 
        error("Invalid arguments to isElementOnGround (expected entity at argument 1)!") 
        return false 
    local oZ = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(element) 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) 
    if x and y and z then --Check if for some reason the position is not available (this shouldn't happen) 
        local ground = getGroundPosition(x, y) 
        return (z-oZ == ground and true) or false 
        return false 
--Returns true if the given value is an entity, false otherwise. 
local validTypes = {    "ped" = true, "player" = true, "vehicle"= true,"object" = true, 
            "vehicle" = true, "pickup" = true, "marker" = true, "blip" = true, "radararea" = true} 
function isEntity(element) 
    if not isElement(element) then return false end 
    local elementType = getElementType(element) 
    if validType[elementType] then 
        return true 
        return false 

Clientside only, though it would be pretty easy to implement serverside.

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