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who can help me?

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Hi everyone,well im not a good scripter,I dont know anything about it and the wiki didnt help me much,but I want to have a rp server with SWAT Team,airforce and cops

criminals:gansgtars(for turfing)and criminals(when u kill someone u become criminal)

civilian jobs:

taxi driver


news reporter

delivery man




a bank system with ATM's and a bank robbery every 30 mins

the cops can arrest the crims when they kill someone or when they rob the bank and won 6 stars,if a cop hit a non-wanted player or shot a vehicle of non-wanted player he win star,the swat team and airforce can arrest the cops

the cop become criminal when he win the third stars

for the airforce base in the gone airport in the desert a spawn marker with rhino,hydra,hunter,police maverick,patriot,rc goblin,seasparrow and rustler

in the SWAT bas(an hq near the lspd)a spawnmarker with the S.W.A.T(water tank)quad,nrg500,fbi rancher,cops cars and on the roof a spawnmarker with the policemaverick

A spawnmarker to take the jobs

Please I need ur help/colaboration with this,I cant pay real money but I can help with another favor,please help me

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Yea kimmis is right. I wanted to pay for scripters to make a server, but then I thought, in the long run, learning scripting from MTA wiki will benefit me anyway I want. So just learn the small stuff and then progress. Im not the best sccripter, but Im learning something new every day.

this function is what happens when the resource starts.

function createTeamsOnStart () 
    policeTeam = createTeam ( "Police", 0, 100, 255 ) 
    taxiJob = createTeam ("Taxi", 255, 255, 0 ) 
    truckerJob = createTeam ("Truckers", 139, 0, 0 ) 
    medicJob = createTeam ("Paramedics", 255, 64, 64 ) 
    civilian = createTeam ("Civilian", 255, 255, 255 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createTeamsOnStart  ) 

Those are what teams are seen in "TAB", just to start you off. Goodluck :)

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