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yea, lucky me, i had told my cousin in im the link to my post about joysticks. and the other was in my history. i checked the link, it was not there. rrr, thats not my problem. i cant really remember what i said, but it was about joysticks. and joysticks havent been supported in mta animation sequences, since gta3 part. no shit, u can look if my post is still alive, about the part in gta3 weree on top of the building, if you moved with a joystick, it was all jerky, looking around and picking your team on the building. maybe not a full joystick thing, but if it was mouse you can tell, the animation sequence, had 12 views, in analog format. or maybe its digital.. yea, use your joystick, and look youll have 12 directions you can point in. when you pick a character in .2, you cant use the digital or analog pad on a joystick to choose your character. a few other things, everytime you start a game, you always have to push f10 to show nametags. its not on, by default. the game mode almost works,... if, heres a just suggestion, make your name in the scoreboard, the color of what team your on, the people would have a place to check, and maybe play more teamplay. maybe add the color to the nametags. that wold be harder, cause the health bars already have color. and why the helldoes the smiley wink at the redf ace smiley?

yoystick suport!

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