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Inappropiate ban? ;p

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[18:14] Spanish4Life, he is a contributer but he is fail.

[18:14] lol

[18:14] :P

[18:14] damn construbruters

[18:15] * x86 sets mode +b *!*@gtanet-otpjk5.mtnl.net.in for #mta

[18:15] my english is shitty.

[18:15] * m0niSx ([email protected]) hasjoined #mta

[18:15] * qaisjp was kicked by x86 ([email protected]) Reason (bai)

x86 needs to grow up, what I said wasn't that awful. Face it yourself, it's true he doesnt do huge stuff

so yeah, please unban me. lol.

Anyway, how are you?

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Sorry for the double post, but this is also worth posting.

[18:14] hi!

[18:14] 1. x86 is fail. 2. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=36687&p=378044#p378044

[18:14] If you ban me you ban every opera user.

[18:14] :P

[18:15] x86 has banned *!*@gtanet-902j55.opera-mini.net

[18:15] *** QuackBot was kicked by x86 (bye troll)

[18:15] !!! You have been kicked from #mta

Rather appropiate? (sarcasm)
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Seems legit to me.

What makes you think you're going to get any support at all? You exploit the community, steal and rip-off people's work, then when you do something stupid on IRC and get banned, you expect people are going to care. You need to change your attitude son. Props to x86 for delivering a well deserved ban to Qaisjp, I truly hope to see more of this in the future.

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