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A few complaints

Guest RdP

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The worst "improvement" is the chat flood protection. I can only send a message every 15-20 seconds. I was talking to someone because he gave me a ride "hey thanks". That got sent. Then a few seconds later I typed "don't kill me now" and I had to retype that 6 times before it actually got sent!

About half of the players' pings are a negative value. Not that I really care about pings, but it's odd.

Keep working on the netcode. I still see players and vehicles moving very unregular. I was chasing someone and I had to take a turn a little while ahead. So I was trying to see which turn the vehicle I was chasing was going to take, but his vehicle suddenly jumped from one position to far after the turn? :? I know this might be caused by the server or the player's connection speed, but this wasn't the only player this happens with.

Finally: I think it's really great that you have made such a great release *again* :)

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