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Spawn players


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Hi all.

Sorry if I have written in a wrong place.

Could you please help me?

I had a 1.0.5 MTA server.

Now I started 1.1.1 MTA server.

The problem is: now players spawn at random spawn points, but on the 1.0.5 version they spawn only near this house:


How to make them spawn near this house all time on 1.1.1 version?

Thank you.

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Thank you.

I found the problem: I had "play" mode in 1.0.5, and now I have "MTA:SA" mode in 1.1.1

My config:

<!-- play is the default freeroam gamemode. Remove the following line to prevent it from starting. -->        
<resource src="play" startup="1" protected="0"/> 

How to make it load "play" mode at startup?

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The SCRIPT can tell Gamemonitor ANYTHING.

I could make a script called "homo" which tells Gamemonitor via setGameType ( "hetero" ) that the gamemode is "hetero".

The MODE will be "hetero" but the script running "homo".

In other words:

Whatever the gamemode is, nobody cares. The script sets the gamemode, but the gamemode has not much to do with the script.

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