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Updating my Server to MTA:SA 1.1

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Delete any default MTA resources you have, and install the resources for 1.1.

Note, if you've made any modifications to a default MTA resource, be sure to keep that resource. MTA 1.1 now allows for resource subdirectories in the format of [resourceSubdirectory]. E.g.


This means you need to be careful to ensure you don't have two lots of the same resource, so delete any old ones you may have.

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Delete any default MTA resources you have, and install the resources for 1.1.

Note, if you've made any modifications to a default MTA resource, be sure to keep that resource. MTA 1.1 now allows for resource subdirectories in the format of [resourceSubdirectory]. E.g.


This means you need to be careful to ensure you don't have two lots of the same resource, so delete any old ones you may have.

I don't want the default Resources MTA 1.1 brings, I have my own. What must I do to update my server fully?

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  • MTA Team

1. Turn off the server.

2. Update the binary files. http://linux.multitheftauto.com/dl/110/multithef ... 1.1.tar.gz or http://www.mtasa.com

3. Update configuration files (mtaserver.conf and acl.xml). Save the previous ones and re-add your changes to the new ones afterwards. http://linux.multitheftauto.com/dl/110/baseconfig.tar.gz

4. If you use any of the standard resources (like resourcemanager, admin and others), you will have to update them manually, similarly to what Talidan said. http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resource ... =label:1.1

5. Start the server again.

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wget "http://linux.multitheftauto.com/dl/110/multitheftauto_linux-$MTA_VERSION.tar.gz" 
tar xfvz "multitheftauto_linux-$MTA_VERSION.tar.gz" 
aArray=$(ls | grep -i "multitheftauto_linux-$MTA_VERSION") 
for currID in `echo $aArray` 
        echo "$currID" | grep -i ".tar.gz" 
        if [ $? -eq 1 ] 
echo "------------" 
echo "------------" 
cp -ruf "$FOLDERNAME"/* ./ 
rm -rf "multitheftauto_linux"* 
cd .. 
cp -ruf ./$MTA_VERSION/* ./ 
#mv -fu mta-server $SERVER_NAME 
rm -rf ./$MTA_VERSION 

Script to automatically download and update MTA 1.1 for linux.

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