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Theme forum


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That guiAddTheme idea was suggested before. But iirc, this wasn't possible because of how CEGUI works.

Other than that; changing the gui skins was already possible before 1.1. The difference noe is that you can choose your template as you van hold multiple templates in your MTA installation. I've never any special new skins so far, they basically were useless and ugly color changes. So a subforum will be pretty empty unless people understand that you can do more than just color changed.

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Photoshopers friends have been asked that for a long time.

Well, if it's very empty I would like make it full, as I have many GUI themes to share hehe.

Here's one very cool I'm making (it's not finished yet)


By the way, don't you get a weird runtime bug while changing the GUI? before it was working correctly (exepting that sometimes it crashed).

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