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Music in area


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Hello all, I'm trying to make a script to play music when you enter the beach area, but It wont play any music.

gRoot = getRootElement() 
gResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) 
x = 253.234375 
y = -1784.283203125 
z = 4.2362642288208 
function soundStart() 
    if x and y and z then 
        sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", x, y, z, true) 
        if sound then 
            outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
            outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", gResRoot, soundStart) 
function stopSound() 
    if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D destroyed.", 3) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", gResRoot, stopSound) 

Second: I've got a shoutcast radio station, Am I able to put it also at that area?

In MTA 1.1 is that possible I heard

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Did you add music.mp3 to the meta?

And there is already a stopSound function, you can use it to stop the sound, you don't need to make your own.


In MTA 1.1 you can play a live radio.

playSound3D ( "http://radio.com/radio" , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 

Just an example.

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<info type="script" version="1" author="BlackS"/> 
<script src = "client.lua" type = "client" /> 
<file src = "music.mp3" /> 


function soundStart() 
   sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 

Use /debugscript 3.

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You are outputting debug messages, you should see it.

Use /debugscript 3

The lua file name must be: client.lua

Oh okay that way, It was named: Untitled 1.lua

Second: I'm using a listen2myradio client.

URLs are like myradio.listen2myradio.com

those works also?

EDIT: Renamed and tested, Still nothing.

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This is what I've got now: I've added the 2 new parts.

I've heard a little sound and I think it will working, need to check the soundfile first.

function soundStart() 
   sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 
local sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
function distanceFunc(command, param) 
  setSoundMinDistance(sound, (10)(param)) 
addCommandHandler("setdistance", distanceFunc) 
local sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
function maxdistanceFunc(command, param) 
  setSoundMaxDistance(sound, (50)(param)) 
addCommandHandler("setmaxdistance", maxdistanceFunc) 

But my next question: Will this work in MTA 1.1? I couldn't start this 1 in the local server: It contain illegal charachters

function soundStart() 
   sound = playSound3D("myradio.listen2myradio.com", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 
local sound = playSound3D("myradio.listen2myradio.com", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
function distanceFunc(command, param) 
  setSoundMinDistance(sound, (10)(param)) 
addCommandHandler("setdistance", distanceFunc) 
local sound = playSound3D("myradio.listen2myradio.com", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
function maxdistanceFunc(command, param) 
  setSoundMaxDistance(sound, (50)(param)) 
addCommandHandler("setmaxdistance", maxdistanceFunc) 

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Dear me... you were meant to add those functions just where its created not create 3 different sounds and 2 unecessary commands and functions.

Also what the hell is "setSoundMinDistance(sound, (10)(param))"

Calm down arran, He's new and where suppose to help him

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Dear me... you were meant to add those functions just where its created not create 3 different sounds and 2 unecessary commands and functions.

Also what the hell is "setSoundMinDistance(sound, (10)(param))"

Calm down arran, He's new and where suppose to help him

Nah I understand, Smacked my head to, Stupid fault.

I guess I've got to add it this way?

PS: Glad there is a MTA forum for help :D

function soundStart() 
   sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
     setSoundMinDistance(sound, tonumber(param)) 
     setSoundMaxDistance(sound, tonumber(param)) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 

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Almost, param doesn't exist in your script (you just copied it from the wiki)

function soundStart() 
   sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   setSoundMinDistance(sound, 10) 
   setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 

You're confused by the wiki example, it could be also done this way:

mindistance = 10 
maxdistance = 20 
function soundStart() 
   sound = playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   setSoundMinDistance(sound, mindistance ) 
   setSoundMaxDistance(sound, maxdistance ) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 

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I already tried this , but dont work.

I messed up it alot and all sounds starts in the same time -.-

Here :

mindistance = 5 
maxdistance = 50 
function soundStart() 
   if sound == playSound3D("music.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) then 
   sound1 = playSound3D("music1.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   sound2 = playSound3D("music2.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   sound3 = playSound3D("music3.mp3", 253.234375, -1784.283203125, 4.2362642288208, true) 
   setSoundMinDistance(sound, sound1, sound2,sound3, mindistance ) 
   setSoundMaxDistance(sound, sound1, sound2, sound3, maxdistance ) 
   if sound then 
        outputDebugString("3D Created successful", 3) 
        outputDebugString("Error creating 3D", 1) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, soundStart) 

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