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Learning LUA


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Greets. I want to learn LUA language by myself but I can't understand a thing. I read MTA Wiki a lot but all I can do is write a simple script using an example. I want to learn make scripts without any help or examples. How do I start scripting without anyone helping? Tips? HELP!?!??

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Begin with simple scripts from wiki and try to make them more complicated, you have to get familiar with MTA functions. Start your own gamemode (RPG/Deathmatch), don't start with complicated gamemodes with SQLite/MySQL because you need the base. (somebody will tell you to read LUA ebooks... don't read every page because you lose time... read about syntax, operators , conditional structures (if...else then, switch...case1...case2...default), repetitive structures(do...while, while...do, for...do). What I mean is that you have to learn the BASIC of programming languages but you should stick to LUA syntax... don't get c++ books to learn about these structures.

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If you use the search panel in the top right hand corner using the keyword “tutorials” you might come across with some useful tips. I know in the past fellow players have wrote little tutorials which have certainly helped beginners.

Don’t hesitate to post your problems on the forum though. Or, if you have IRC installed, visit the #mta.scripting channel for any help.

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