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Some problems with running mysql


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[2011-07-27 17:42:47] Resources: 70 loaded, 0 failed 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] Querying game-monitor.com master server... success! 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] Querying backup master server... success! 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] MODULE: Unable to find modules/mta?mysql.dll! 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] MODULE: Unable to find modules/ml?curtl.dll! 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] Starting resources... 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource pool isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource pool isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:47] ERROR: animation-system\s_animation_system.lua:4: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource global isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:88: attempt to index local 'motdresult' (a boolean value) 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource pool isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 
[2011-07-27 17:42:48] ERROR: call: Failed, the resource mysql isn't running [string "?"] 

So i tried to reinstall,put admin rights to resource.mysql etc nothing is working.... And i dont see my lua.16 file whatever

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[2011-07-28 06:32:36] Server started and is ready to accept connections! 
[2011-07-28 06:32:36] Type 'help' for a list of commands. 
[2011-07-28 06:32:44] start: Requested by Console 
[2011-07-28 06:32:44] start: Resource is already running 
[2011-07-28 06:32:50] start: Requested by Console 
[2011-07-28 06:32:50] start: Resource is already running 
[2011-07-28 06:33:35] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value) 
[2011-07-28 06:33:35] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"] 

Found after requesting pool and mysql resources....

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don't double post...

and show your scripts.


<resource src="achievement-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="admin-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="animation-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="anticheat-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="account-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="apps-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="bank-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="camera-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="carlist-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="carshop-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="chat-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="computers-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="dancer-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="enforce104" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="event-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="faction-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="fiddycal" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="fuel-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="gatekeepers-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="gate-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="global" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="glue-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="GUI" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="gps-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="help-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="id-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="interior-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="item-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="job-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="language-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="license-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="logs" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="lottery" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="lses-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="lspd-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="map-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="mdc-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="mods-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="mtaworkaround" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="object-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="paynspray-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="pool" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="phone-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="rangeban-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="realism-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="realistictrains" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="report-system"startup="1"/> 
<resource src="resource-keeper" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="roadblock-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="saveplayer-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="savevehicle-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="shop-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="sittablechairs" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="social-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="spike-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="statistics-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="tag-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="tow-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="valhallashield" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="weaponcap" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="weather-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="vehicle-interiors" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="vehicle-mods-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="vehicle-plate-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="vehicle-system" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="versions" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="vG-logs" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="vgscoreboard" startup="1"/> 
<resource src="mysql" startup="1"/> 


<module src="mta_mysql.dll"/> 
<module src="libmysql.dll"/> 
<module src="ml_curl.dll"/> 

I solved the 1° problem whit TeamViewer but now doesn't load the libmysql.dll

"Unable to load..."

2nd error,what was first time appeared after that Error what u mean...
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