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Rocket on Vehicle

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I create this script but it wont work. It must do when we press ctrl it will fire hunter rocket. I use this script in my map. You can use rocket 1 time in 3 seconds. There is the code its client side.

g_Root = getRootElement() 
g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
function onResourceStart(res) 
function rocket (thePlayer) 
if (getElementData(thePlayer,"rocket")==1) then 
rocketT = setTimer(timey,3000,1) 
outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again",thePlayer,0,255,0,true) 
function timey () 

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1. You're using onResourceStart in a client side file it should be onClientResourceStart.

2. Why even bother having some code inside it, and not another bit? I'm talking about that bindKey.

3. g_Root isn't needed as root is a predefined variable.

4. If that element data doesn't need to be known server side, don't sync it (set arg 4 to false)

5. Indent your code so we can follow it (press tab at things like if, function, for)

6. You're using thePlayer inside client side outputChatBox, remove it.

7. thePlayer inside your rocket function won't work because its client side so there is no person arg needed.

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also there is no "ctrl" key name, it "lctrl" for left and "rctrl" for right ctrl keys.

also i'd ditched element data and used timer variable to check if player is allowed to shoot:

g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
rocketTimer = false 
function rocket() 
  if not rocketTimer then 
    createProjectile(g_P, 19, getElementPosition(g_P), 200) 
    rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1) 
    outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true) 
function onResourceStart() 
  bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

PS: since you want this on a vehicle, you should check if player is in a vehicle and get vehicle positions for projectile.

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When i use this

    g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
    rocketTimer = false 
    g_V = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_P) 
    function rocket() 
      if not rocketTimer then 
        createProjectile(g_P, 19, getElementPosition(g_V), 200) 
        rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1) 
        outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true) 
    function onResourceStart() 
      bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket) 
    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

It wont work and when i use aibo s it blows near my car:)

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Maybe above vehicle?

g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
rocketTimer = false 
function rocket() 
  if not rocketTimer then 
    local x,y,z = getElementPosition(g_P) 
    createProjectile(g_P, 19, x,y,z + 1, 200) 
    rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1) 
    outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true) 
function onResourceStart() 
  bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

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    g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
    rocketTimer = false 
    g_V = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_P) 
    rotX,rotY,rotZ = getElementRotation(g_V) 
    function rocket() 
      if not rocketTimer then 
        local x,y,z = getElementPosition(g_P) 
        createProjectile(g_P, 19, x,y - 10,z + 1, 200,nil,rotX,rotY,rotZ) 
        rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1) 
        outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true) 
    function onResourceStart() 
      bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket) 
    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

I scripted this it works but sometimes rocket goes backwards of vehicle. I want it always go infront of vehicle. Like hunter.

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g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
rocketTimer = false 
function rocket() 
    local g_V = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_P) 
    local rotX,rotY,rotZ = getElementRotation(g_V) 
    if not rocketTimer then 
        local x,y,z = getElementPosition(g_P) 
        createProjectile(g_P, 19, x,y - 10,z + 1, 200,nil,rotX,rotY,rotZ) 
        rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1) 
        outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true) 
function onResourceStart() 
    bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

Getting the vehicle and its rotation had to be inside the firing function.

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g_P = getLocalPlayer() 
rocketTimer = false 
function rocket() 
    local g_V = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_P) 
    local rotX,rotY,rotZ = getElementRotation(g_V) 
    if not rocketTimer then 
        local x, y, z = getElementPosition(occupiedVehicle) 
        local matrix = getElementMatrix( g_V) 
        local offX = 0 * matrix[1][1] + 1 * matrix[2][1] + 0 * matrix[3][1] + 1 * matrix[4][1] 
        local offY = 0 * matrix[1][2] + 1 * matrix[2][2] + 0 * matrix[3][2] + 1 * matrix[4][2] 
        local offZ = 0 * matrix[1][3] + 1 * matrix[2][3] + 0 * matrix[3][3] + 1 * matrix[4][3] 
        vx = offX - x 
        vy = offY - y 
        vz = offZ - z 
        x = 0 * matrix[1][1] + 3 * matrix[2][1] + 0 * matrix[3][1] + 1 * matrix[4][1] 
        y = 0 * matrix[1][2] + 3 * matrix[2][2] + 0 * matrix[3][2] + 1 * matrix[4][2] 
        z = 0 * matrix[1][3] + 3 * matrix[2][3] + 0 * matrix[3][3] + 1 * matrix[4][3] 
        createProjectile(g_p, 19, x, y, z, 200, nil, 0, 0, 360 - rotZ, vx, vy, vz) 
        rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1) 
        outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true) 
function onResourceStart() 
    bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

it should create rocket 3m infront of the center of vehicle

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occupiedVehicle is nil. use /debugscript 3

also g_p is not g_P

g_P = getLocalPlayer() 

rocketTimer = false


function rocket()

    if not rocketTimer and isPedInVehicle(g_P) then

        local occupiedVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_P)

        local rotX,rotY,rotZ = getElementRotation(occupiedVehicle)

        local x, y, z = getElementPosition(occupiedVehicle)

        local matrix = getElementMatrix(occupiedVehicle)

        local offX = 0 * matrix[1][1] + 1 * matrix[2][1] + 0 * matrix[3][1] + 1 * matrix[4][1]

        local offY = 0 * matrix[1][2] + 1 * matrix[2][2] + 0 * matrix[3][2] + 1 * matrix[4][2]

        local offZ = 0 * matrix[1][3] + 1 * matrix[2][3] + 0 * matrix[3][3] + 1 * matrix[4][3]

        local vx = offX - x

        local vy = offY - y

        local vz = offZ - z

        x = 0 * matrix[1][1] + 3 * matrix[2][1] + 0 * matrix[3][1] + 1 * matrix[4][1]

        y = 0 * matrix[1][2] + 3 * matrix[2][2] + 0 * matrix[3][2] + 1 * matrix[4][2]

        z = 0 * matrix[1][3] + 3 * matrix[2][3] + 0 * matrix[3][3] + 1 * matrix[4][3]

        createProjectile(g_P, 19, x, y, z, 200, nil, 0, 0, 360 - rotZ, vx, vy, vz)

        rocketTimer = setTimer(function() rocketTimer = false end, 3000, 1)


        outputChatBox("You must wait 3 seconds to fire again", 0, 255, 0, true)




function onResourceStart()

    bindKey("lctrl", "down", rocket)


addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart)

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