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Dynamic Situations

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Okay guys, hi there again ;)

I have some problems here, I dont know how to implement this.

So the mapper makes a map for the gamemode, the gamemode can receive 10 cars to spawn them.

THEN, I want to calculate the dynamic situation, I mean, when that gamemode start it will check players on.

1ºIF players on are < 4 then I want 2 cars.

2ºIF players on are > 4 and < 8 then I want 6 cars.

3ºIF players on are > 8 then I want 10 cars.

The cars is an example, could be, markers for teleport, spawns, flags..

I know that I can make this by simple conditions and in each one call a function.

But that would make a large code!! because on 3º condition, the function would have to had the cars of 1º,2º and 3º condition, you see?

And on 2º condition, the function would have to had the cars of 1º and 2º condition, you see guys?

I talk here about an example, a dynamic situation with 3 conditions. But look if there are more conditions..? each one would have a function, and would have function very long..

Wont cause lag problems? much code?

Is there a way to do this with less code? an optimized solution?

Thanks in advance, sorry about my bad english ;)

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