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Rotation Problem

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Okay I am having a problem here with rotation of peds :S

I have this on my map file:

<spawnpoint id="buyer" skin="0" posX="-545.63269042969" posY="2577.0908203125" posZ="53.515625" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="262" /> 

And now I want to create a ped on that position and with that rotation.

So I made this on Lua:

local buyer = getElementByID("buyer") 
local x,y,z = getElementPosition(buyer) 
local rot1, rot2, rot3 = getElementRotation(buyer) 
local buyerPed = createPed(14, x, y, z, rot1) 

I notice on the page https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementRotation, about the default order of rotation. and it says that retuns like Z,Y,X, so thats why I put rot1 on createPed function, anyway I tryed with rot2 and rot3 and it doesnt set the rotation..

Can someone help me here?


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Set is correct, get according to the wiki not (I can't confirm this, as I never experienced the problem :P) So, for the rotation parameters: '0, 0, rot1' should be correct in that case.

BUT, does getElement...() actually work on map files? I never tried this, so could anyone confirm this?

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Set is correct, get according to the wiki not (I can't confirm this, as I never experienced the problem :P) So, for the rotation parameters: '0, 0, rot1' should be correct in that case.

BUT, does getElement...() actually work on map files? I never tried this, so could anyone confirm this?

yes it works, I manage to do many things with map files..

getting position of spawn .. get position of objects. but I am having problem with rotation :S

Thanks for your help

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Oh, funny :P I always used get-attributes functions.

But did you try what I said? My rotations always work, though they're retrieved another way.

createPed ( 14, x, y, z, 0, 0, rot1 ) 

If rot1 doesnt work properly, use rot3. Idk what getElementRotation does on map elements.

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Oh, funny :P I always used get-attributes functions.

But did you try what I said? My rotations always work, though they're retrieved another way.

createPed ( 14, x, y, z, 0, 0, rot1 ) 

If rot1 doesnt work properly, use rot3. Idk what getElementRotation does on map elements.

Thanks for your help, but the function createPed only receives on rot coord.

Its on wiki :

createPed ( int modelid, float x, float y, float z [, float rot = 0.0 ] )


And I tryed what u said before, but didnt work too

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Guys I forgot the .map file, and tryed just doing this:

local buyerPed = createPed(14, -545.63269042969, 2577.0908203125, 53.515625, 0)

on the second try:

local buyerPed = createPed(14, -545.63269042969, 2577.0908203125, 53.515625, 120)

on the third try:

local buyerPed = createPed(14, -545.63269042969, 2577.0908203125, 53.515625, 200)

And the ped keeps looking at the same point!! God dammn it ! lol

Thanks in advance

EDDIIIT: I tryed using setPedRotation ( ped thePed, float rotation ) and it works now!! But when I try to set the rotation on the createPed function it doesnt work :S is there some bug with this? if yes, can someone report to the mta team? I dont know how to do it.


Edited by Guest
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