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Question about how the MTA SDK works?



Hey, I am trying to make a little server manager in C#, and there isn't an SDK for it, so I am going to make one.

I just want to know how the other SDKs work? how do I communicate with it?

I assume it involves the web panel, a custom resource(I can setup the resource, since I understand PHP and can look at the SDK page for that), and the POST protocol.

Also, if I make this SDK for C#, is anyone else interested in obtaining it(should I release it)? :)

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9 answers to this question

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Well, I'd say that's a mistake in the API really - CallFunction should return the JSON-decoded array not the raw string. Feel free to fix that using Json.Net (or whatever is easiest) and upload a new version.

The SDKs have mostly been made by different people, so they have slightly different APIs.

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You can use createFire, but that's about it. Fires aren't elements and you've got no control over them. That's something that MTA could support, but doesn't, at the moment anyway.

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