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Mad Dogg's Studio


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Well, I was trying to map an interior that needed a Studio in it. So I went to look for Mad Dogg's Studio in the "Objects" section. However, I cannot find it. Is it not in there? If it is in there, can someone tell me the exact name of it and/or what section it is in.

I am starting to think it isn't in there seeing as it's inside an actual interior but I'm hoping it is. Any answers would be appreciated.

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If you mean the studio part of Madd Dogg's Mansion, the object ID is 14393, named 'Dr_GsNEW09'.

If you mean the small section of hallway in the recording studio shown in a cutscene in single player, the object ID is 14814, named 'StudioHallBuild' (furniture IDs 14813 and 14812). I think the col for that doesn't work though, you'd need to make a new one.

Search for the object name in the 'All' category and the map editor should find it.

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