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Probably an okayish idea:

 image engineImportTXDImage(element TXD_Element, string filename)  

This could return an image for use in dxDrawImage and guiCreateImage. Maybe edit ...draw/create image for compatibility for the 'image item'

This could allow you to load specific images from a txd and import them for use as a viewable image (and not on a model)

What do you think about this idea?

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Yep! but I prefer replace a default GTA:SA TXD without having the file

for example

image engineImportPNGintoTXD(248, "248.png", "248hi") 

This would replace the skin 248, importing in the default GTA:SA the png "248.png", and importing it as name "248hi"

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Yep! but I prefer replace a default GTA:SA TXD without having the file

for example

image engineImportPNGintoTXD(248, "248.png", "248hi") 

This would replace the skin 248, importing in the default GTA:SA the png "248.png", and importing it as name "248hi"

wont work that easy...

.txd have alpha mask, and its more like image archive, not image.

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