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he wants to create "3D" image that has the same size regardless to distance ftom the player

to create this illusion you need to scale (change size) the image based on the distance from the player, the formila is:

size = (some constant number)/distance

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he wants to create "3D" image that has the same size regardless to distance ftom the player

to create this illusion you need to scale (change size) the image based on the distance from the player, the formila is:

size = (some constant number)/distance

no i need that image does not change the size of not depending on the distances.

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assuming you using dxDrawImage function, if your image is a square

width = size

height = size

if its a rectangle than for exemple:

width = size*2

height = size

to calculate size you need a constant number (for exemple 50) this number is a size of the imahe, when you are next to it, you will need to experiment with it

wo calculate the distance you need:

x,y,z = world position of the image (get position of the thing the image is attached to)

px,py,pz = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer())

distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz)

so the formula will be:

size = 50/distance

(you may need to change 50 to something else)

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assuming you using dxDrawImage function, if your image is a square

width = size

height = size

if its a rectangle than for exemple:

width = size*2

height = size

to calculate size you need a constant number (for exemple 50) this number is a size of the imahe, when you are next to it, you will need to experiment with it

wo calculate the distance you need:

x,y,z = world position of the image (get position of the thing the image is attached to)

px,py,pz = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer())

distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz)

so the formula will be:

size = 50/distance

(you may need to change 50 to something else)

addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, 
    function( ) 
    for _, plr in ipairs( getElementsByType( "ped" ) ) do 
        if (getElementData (plr, "zombie") == true and getElementData(plr, "status" ) ~= "dead")  then 
            local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer() ) 
            local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( plr ) 
            local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz)) 
            if (distance < 45) and (distance > 2) then    
                local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition( plr, 8 ) 
                local sX, sY,sZ = getScreenFromWorldPosition( x, y, z+0.7 ) 
                local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix() 
                local ht,hX,hY,hZ,hE  = processLineOfSight(cx, cy, cz,x, y,z,true,true, true, true, true, true,true,true,plr)                                
                if not ht then 
                    if sX then 
                        sizeImg = 20/distance 
                        if getElementData( plr ,"zClass") == 6 then 
                    elseif getElementData( plr ,"zClass") == 1 then  
                    elseif getElementData( plr ,"zClass") == 2 then 
                    elseif getElementData( plr ,"zClass") == 3 then 
                    elseif getElementData( plr ,"zClass") == 4 then 
                    elseif getElementData( plr ,"zClass") == 5 then 

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addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, 
    for _, plr in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped", root, true)) do 
    -- first, it's better to loop only through streamed-in elements, not all of them. 
    -- because you can't see other elements anyway. so: getElementsByType("ped", root, true) 
        if (getElementData (plr, "zombie") and getElementData(plr, "status" ) ~= "dead")  then 
            -- local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer() ) -- i dont think you need this 
            -- it more logical to use camera position, not player's 
            local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix() 
            local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( plr ) 
            local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (cx, cy, cz, Zx, Zy, Zz) 
            if (distance < 45) and (distance > 2) then    
                local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition( plr, 8 ) 
                local sX, sY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+0.7, 100) -- better add some edge tolerance 
                -- also getScreenFromWorldPosition() returns 2 values, X an Y, no Z 
                if sX then -- check if element is on screen BEFORE checking the line of sight 
                    -- and i dont think you need processLineOfSight, since you're not using 
                    -- any of the data it returns, except to check if something was hit. 
                    -- and there's a lighter function just for that: isLineOfSightClear 
                    if isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, true, false, false) then 
                    -- also it's better to ignore peds/vehicles, imo 
                        local sizeImg = 20/distance 
                        -- let's say distance is 44, 20/44 is 0.45 which is half a pixel 
                        -- so at that distance your image wont be visible already 
                        -- of course maybe that is what you want 
                        local zClass = getElementData( plr ,"zClass")  
                        -- instead of calling the same function with same parameters 6 times 
                        -- it's better to call it once and store the result, imo 
                        local image = false 
                        -- also if you're only changing the image, i'd put in a variable 
                        -- and use only 1 dxDrawImage (will be easier to edit later) 
                        -- actually, i'd make some table like {[1]="wg.png", [2]="g.png", etc} 
                        if zClass == 6 then image = "w.png" 
                        elseif zClass == 1 then image = "wg.png" 
                        elseif zClass == 2 then image = "g.png" 
                        elseif zClass == 3 then image = "y.png" 
                        elseif zClass == 4 then image = "r.png" 
                        elseif zClass == 5 then image = "b.png" 
                        if image then dxDrawImage(sX-sizeImg/2,sY-sizeImg/2,sizeImg,sizeImg, image) end  
                        -- subtract half of the image size from its position to center it at its point 

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i need no change resize image in distance(any distance).

I want to size was always the same.


local sizeImg = 20/distance 

to size in pixels you want:

local sizeImg = 32 

how hard can that be

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i need no change resize image in distance(any distance).

I want to size was always the same.


local sizeImg = 20/distance 

to size in pixels you want:

local sizeImg = 32 

how hard can that be

now expanding size I do not know what to do ...

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do you understand the difference between 2D and 3D?

on your screens image size doesnt change at all.

you dont want it to scale down to distance, you dont want it to be fixed size, what is it you want?

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