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editor - doCreateElement


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Hello. Im making plugin to editor which will help with creating DD maps. But I have a problem. I dont know how editor's function 'doCreateElement' works. Arguments are really weird. When i use it my MTA crashes or no object is creating. Please explain this for me, how to use it.

Edited by Guest
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function doCreateElement ( elementType, resourceName, creationParameters, attachLater, shortcut ) 

- elementType - the type of the element you want to create (for example "racepickup")

- resourceName - the name of the resource the edf you want to use (for example "race")

- creationParameters - table containing the element properties (for example creationParameters = {position = {0, 0, 0}, type="nitro"}) - i think it's optional

- attachLater - idk... it can be true or false, i think it's optional

- shortcut - idk, i think it's optional

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I make this:

exports.editor_main:doCreateElement("object", "toolbox", { model = obecneID, position = {objPoz[1], objPoz[2], objPoz[3]}}, false, nil) 

And my MTA crashes

Roller coaster generator have this:

triggerEvent("doCreateElement", gRootElement, "object", getResourceName(editor_main.resource), { model = 18450, position = position }, false, nil) 

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I could help you, but looking at the fact that you're just trying to rip off every functionality of something I've made, including the name, I won't.

Lol, H5N1's toolbox is work name, just like project natal for kinect and NGP for psp2 o0. Every functionality suggested my friends, not your resource.

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I could help you, but looking at the fact that you're just trying to rip off every functionality of something I've made, including the name, I won't.

Lol, H5N1's toolbox is work name, just like project natal for kinect and NGP for psp2 o0. Every functionality suggested my friends, not your resource.

Yes, sure.

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You can use createObject if I'm not wrong..?

why the hell he would try to use some weird exported funcion, if he just could use createObject?

createObject will not create a entry in a map file, that could be saved in map editor...

@H5N1 do your resource has an EDF file? or do you simply want to create a default obiect?

try "editor_main" instead of "toolbox"

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My resource dont have EDF. I will try it.

Edit - it works! But how to set object rotation? When I make this

exports.editor_main:doCreateElement("object", "editor_main", {model = obecneID, position = objPoz, rotation = objRot}, false, false) 

It doesnt work (no objects are creating).

Edit - It works Thanks for help!

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I have another problem. Objects which my script creates dont save with cords.

<map edf:definitions="editor_main"> 
    <object id="object (plasticsgate1) (1)" doublesided="false" model="7657" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="3233.4709472656" posY="-1599.8585205078" posZ="6.6665945053101" rotX="270" rotY="0" rotZ="0" /> 
    <object id="object (plasticsgate1) (2)" doublesided="false" model="7657" interior="0" dimension="0" /> 
    <object id="object (plasticsgate1) (3)" doublesided="false" model="7657" interior="0" dimension="0" /> 
    <object id="object (plasticsgate1) (4)" doublesided="false" model="7657" interior="0" dimension="0" /> 

I must click on the object, then object which i clicked will be save with cords. I dont know how to fix this because doCreateElement doesnt return object info (userdata:xxxx).

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