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peds driving resource?

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Actually there are a few public resources. I made public one which makes random traffic all around SA and arc_ has made a resource where a ped drives you to any location you chose. I have neither these days, and not really sure where to find them though.

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Actually there are a few public resources. I made public one which makes random traffic all around SA and arc_ has made a resource where a ped drives you to any location you chose. I have neither these days, and not really sure where to find them though.

so you don't have yours? i guess i will have to learn lua.

EDIT:so i don't triple post i edit this. are the public resources in the community? becuase i can't find any.

Edited by Guest
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Actually there are a few public resources. I made public one which makes random traffic all around SA and arc_ has made a resource where a ped drives you to any location you chose. I have neither these days, and not really sure where to find them though.

I do know there are some resources of traffic, but they aren't released on the community center.

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Actually there are a few public resources. I made public one which makes random traffic all around SA and arc_ has made a resource where a ped drives you to any location you chose. I have neither these days, and not really sure where to find them though.

I do know there are some resources of traffic, but they aren't released on the community center.

Where? This is my personal server because I can't get it on the Intenet, and my friend and i want it to be similar to single player e.g. Pay n spray cars peds all that.

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I didn't said i know where to get them, i said i know there are resource(s) like that somewhere.

Ok I will have to do some searching...

Sorry about double post again... There is a resource on the community and the author says if you lose your vehicle just highjack a ped. It's a gamemode and you have steal a rhino off army

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