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Hello fello MTA Players,

My idea is that when you download the MTA you get the server pack thing right?

well why not make like when you run the server it will have a stunt map roleplay map and DM map, map or resource i can't tell the diffrence basicly i mean map = stunt map with all stunts in game

ok and you can choose which one to use and all commands all scripts work and all you need to do is make it puplic if you want to expand it

its much easeir and faster and a good way to get dummys like me to make a server i hope you will all write good comments thanks..

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Hi stefan, i don't like your "Suggestion", this way everyone could just download MTA and get a Roleplay/Stunt server without need to learn how to script.

P.S: Can't you use map editor and create your maps?

Yup , I (not just me LoL) prefer exclusive servers.

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I agree to Benox and Solidsnake, this is where a lot of new games fail at... like Call of Duty's multiplayer. Not customizable maps, not scriptable enviroment. In this case, what it would make is a lot of dumb servers, useless, 0 players, just making it harder to find good and nice scripted servers.

If you wanna go and play only with your friends, you can use a LAN-only server

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Hello fello MTA Players,

My idea is that when you download the MTA you get the server pack thing right?

well why not make like when you run the server it will have a stunt map roleplay map and DM map, map or resource i can't tell the diffrence basicly i mean map = stunt map with all stunts in game

ok and you can choose which one to use and all commands all scripts work and all you need to do is make it puplic if you want to expand it

its much easeir and faster and a good way to get dummys like me to make a server i hope you will all write good comments thanks..

No needed because anyone knows how to do those basic resources.

As Castillo said, the cheater that doesnt know how his cheats work, is a noob cheater.

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