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Vehicle close to coordinates


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Ok... I have a script which:

1. Teleport me to house

2. Spawns a car in front of garage.

Problem is, when I type in a command it tp me and spawns a car. So I want to prevenet car spawn if one is there already

Do you know what I mean?

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Would it work if I create marker and marker checks if is there an empty vehicle? It is possible that marker detect empty vehicle?

yes if the Marker is serverside, you will check it serverside, and the vehicle has a syncer (is in range of 140 game distance units from any player)

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This is more than a clue :mrgreen: :

function yourFunction () 
    local marker = createMarker( ... ) -- create your marker where you want 
    local veh = getVehicleInMarker( marker ) -- we try to get the vehicle in the marker  
    if ( veh ) then 
        if ( isAnEmptyVeh( veh ) ) then 
            outputChatBox( "There is a vehicle in the marker and it's not empty !" ) 
            outputChatBox( "There is no vehicle in the marker but it's empty !" ) 
        outputChatBox( "There is no vehicle in the marker !" ) 
function getVehicleInMarker( theMarker ) 
    local veh = false 
    for k,i in ipairs ( getElementsByType( "vehicle" ) ) do -- we get all vehicles in the server 
        if ( isElementWithinMarker( i, theMarker ) ) then -- if a vehicle is in the marker 
            veh = i -- we store the vehElement in veh 
            break -- Exit the loop 
    return veh  -- Return the vehElement( = there is a vehicle in the marker)  or false ( = no vehicle in the marker ) 
function isAnEmptyVeh( theVeh ) 
    if ( getElementType ( theVeh ) == "vehicle" ) then -- we get if theVeh is really a vehicle 
        local tablePassenger = getVehicleOccupants( theVeh ) -- we get all passengers in the vehicle 
        local passengers = #tablePassenger -- we get how many lines in the table ( 1 line by passenger ) 
        if ( passengers <= 0 ) then -- if there are no passengers 
            return true -- we return true 
        return false -- false otherwise 

If you don't understand my code, tell me it :wink:

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createMarker creates a element node in resorce dynamic map and rerurn a pointer of that element, iven if the pointer is lical, the element is not destroyed with the variable ( also 'if ( veh ) then' is wrong, it should be' if isElement( veh ) then')

so every time yourFunction () is called, new marker is created, and it is not destroyed. Is tat good?

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function isInRange(element, radius, x, y, z) 
    local oldposx, oldposy, oldposz = getElementPosition(element) 
    local tempposx = (oldposx-x); 
    local tempposy = (oldposy-y); 
    local tempposz = (oldposz-z); 
    if(((tempposx < radius) and (tempposx > -radius)) and ((tempposy < radius) and (tempposy > -radius)) and ((tempposz < radius) and (tempposz > -radius))) then 
        return 1 
        return 0 

You can use that, put a radious of 3 at least.

Edited by Guest
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Yeah I can make a destroyElement for the marker but he can do that alone ?:

function yourFunction () 
    local marker = createMarker( ... ) -- create your marker where you want 
    local veh = getVehicleInMarker( marker ) -- we try to get the vehicle in the marker 
    if ( veh ) then 
        if ( isAnEmptyVeh( veh ) ) then 
            outputChatBox( "There is a vehicle in the marker and it's not empty !" ) 
            outputChatBox( "There is no vehicle in the marker but it's empty !" ) 
        outputChatBox( "There is no vehicle in the marker !" ) 
    destroyElement( marker ) 

onMarkerHit is triggered only when an element enter in the marker, so if you create a marker on the vehicle, this event is not triggered.

Why you doesn't want use my script ? It should works perfectly :roll:

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people should avoid using stuff that they dont understand to well if it comes to scripting

He added me on skype and I made a very long explaination ( 1 hour ) and when I told him new things ( like tables or for k, i in ipairs ), I explained it and I show him an exemple full annotated,then I ask him if he understand it.

And I can say that it's a good student ^^

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