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MTA SA V1.0.4 acting weird


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Yesterday I was working on a prison map. In total created around 50 objects. I saved the map, went to bed.

Today I attempt to load the map, and there appears to be no objects at all. Infact I tried loading any map (even the pre created maps) and none of them had any elements. I then tried to create a new map. Placed 1 object and attempted to save it. It just sat there and didn't do anything.

So it would seem there is nothing wrong with the files themselves but rather MTA. I find it weird that it can work one day, but not work the next day.

Has anybody experienced any such problems? Or does anybody know why this might be happening?

EDIT: When I pressed F5 to go into test mode, I got this error...


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Sigh, the MTA SA map editor sure has some bugs. It's annoying as it sometimes goes bad, and saving is one of it.

Sometimes I face that too. There's some people who experienced something like that. You need to restart the map editor, maybe that will fix it for now.

You need to be careful as the map editor is not always as stable as you think :(

So the best idea to prevent bugs is to turn off freeroam and other resources except the map editor and its add-ons. Or just press map editor.

But, there is a new way to make sure the editor doesn't lose its data. Take the most recent revision of the resources, here:


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