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Alpha Set :D


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I want to make a funny window:

function setMajorAlpha () 
local getAlpha = guiGetAlpha(wndShop) 
guiSetAlpha(wndShop, tonumber(getAlpha + 0.1)) 
function setMinorAlpha () 
local getAlpha = guiGetAlpha(wndShop) 
guiSetAlpha(wndShop, tonumber(getAlpha - 0.1)) 
function ShowHide (key, keyState) 
local getAlpha = guiGetAlpha(wndShop) 
if getAlpha == 0.1 then 
setTimer(setMajorAlpha, 500, 6) 
elseif getAlpha == 0.6 then 
setTimer(setMinorAlpha, 500, 6) 
bindKey("F10", "down", ShowHide) 

When i press F10 the Alpha doesn't changes it's the same: 0.1

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Did you set the default alpha?

guiSetAlpha(wndShop, 0.6)) 

after wndShop cteation

also try to secure the condition more

if getAlpha <= 0.1 then 
setTimer(setMajorAlpha, 500, 6) 
elseif getAlpha >= 0.6 then 
setTimer(setMinorAlpha, 500, 6) 

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  Wojak said:
Did you set the default alpha?
guiSetAlpha(wndShop, 0.6)) 

after wndShop cteation

also try to secure the condition more

if getAlpha <= 0.1 then 
setTimer(setMajorAlpha, 500, 6) 
elseif getAlpha >= 0.6 then 
setTimer(setMinorAlpha, 500, 6) 

I'm agree, if you put an outputChatBox( "Alpha: "..getAlpha ), you will can noticed that it's not exactly 0.6 or 0.1 but something like 0.599863 or IDK

So the Alpha is never exactly 0.6 or 0.1

Wojak is right, but change a little thing:

if getAlpha <= 0.13 then 
setTimer(setMajorAlpha, 500, 6) 
elseif getAlpha >= 0.57 then 
setTimer(setMinorAlpha, 500, 6) 

It's more secure like that :wink:

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So I test it and it works but I changed 2 things ( and we don't need the ; ^^ ):

You have to get the Alpha each time instead of the variable getAlpha because if the getAlpha value is ( for exemple ) 0.3, the server gona make guiSetAlpha(wndShop, 0.3+ 0.1)

So the Alpha is always 0.4 do you understand ? I'm sure that you understand :mrgreen:

And it was not rather fluid so a modified it for you :D :

setTimer(function () guiSetAlpha(wndShop, guiGetAlpha( wndShop )+0.02) end, 100, 30) 


setTimer(function () guiSetAlpha(wndShop, guiGetAlpha( wndShop )-0.02) end, 100, 30) 

It works perfectly on my own server

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  Citizen said:
So I test it and it works but I changed 2 things ( and we don't need the ; ^^ ):

You have to get the Alpha each time instead of the variable getAlpha because if the getAlpha value is ( for exemple ) 0.3, the server gona make guiSetAlpha(wndShop, 0.3+ 0.1)

So the Alpha is always 0.4 do you understand ? I'm sure that you understand :mrgreen:

And it was not rather fluid so a modified it for you :D :

setTimer(function () guiSetAlpha(wndShop, guiGetAlpha( wndShop )+0.02) end, 100, 30) 


setTimer(function () guiSetAlpha(wndShop, guiGetAlpha( wndShop )-0.02) end, 100, 30) 

It works perfectly on my own server

ye i understand and i fixxed it, but, why i can't set the time of the timer under "50"? xD

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