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Resolution problem


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Hi everyone, i'm having some problems with the DX drawing functions and the resolution, well, the problem is that i see them in right position, but the other players doesn't because they are using a lower resolution than mine.

local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() 
dxDrawText("LEVEL:",sWidth-270, sHeight-1080/2, sWidth-292, sHeight-2/2,tocolor(255,255,0,255),1.5,"default","left","top",false,false,false) 

If someone could help me to make them work right for every resolution i would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

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i like this way:

local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() 
local nW,nH = sWidth/1024,sHeight/768 
dxDrawText("LEVEL:",sWidth-270*nW, sHeight-1080/2*nH, sWidth-292*nW, sHeight-2/2*nH,tocolor(255,255,0,255),1.5,"default","left","top",false,false,false) 

Edited by Guest
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This is soo excesively simple... I cannot trust this ;)

local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() 
dxDrawText("LEVEL:",(754/1024)*sWidth, (228/768)*sHeight, (732/1024)*sWidth, sHeight, tocolor(255,255,0,255), (1024/sWidth)*1.5, "default","left","top",false,false,false) 

And I fixed scale too, may be too big text for "low-res" players (using about 1/2 of the screen isn't okay hahaha) ;)

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It won't solve it. Actually you didn't notice that he's doing the same code you mean:


LoL. Let me a moment, solidsnake. Looks like I gave my code wrongly hehehe :3


Maybe this will work?

I think the problem is that you have wrong the 2º "Y-Coord" argument.

When I use this code, it works fine for me (I try in at least 2 res before keeping it going be).

The only problem I noticed is that the scale was wrong but NOTHING IN MY FORMULA is wrong.

local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() 
dxDrawText("LEVEL:",(754/1024)*sWidth, (228/768)*sHeight, (732/1024)*sWidth, (258/768)*sHeight, tocolor(255,255,0,255), (sWidth/1024)*1.5, "default","left","top",false,false,false) 


If it still don't work, please try to change the coords before trying another method.

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Don't use "+" or "-" operation if you don't wan't problems :< Use "*" or "/" instead.

Also, there is much easier method, try use something like this (middle of the screen):



I think you got it

The good-math guys (and the people that takes less time doing something like this, with intelligence) will, of course, use "+" and "-". Positionating the DirectX that way takes about... 30 minutes? Mine takes just 5.

PS: Check this link https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ToRelative

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Solidsnake14 , try to use to 0. ...... 0. ...

at least from the pictures so works.


GUIEditor_Image[81] = guiCreateStaticImage(0.740,0.770,0.250,0.250,"login/logo.png",true) 

I did not know if it works with the dx but at least all users, it will be the same size.

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