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microsoft visual C++ assertation failed



Normally I dont have problems with MTA, but I just reinstall my windows XP and now I have this when I start MTA :


Of course I have installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)

and the 2010 also.

but this dont solve my problem.

I can play gta sa solo and MTA also, but I have some strange things ingame in MTA.Take a Look to my MTA menu :


the MTA Server.exe show errors on all the resource , the main error is there :


yea that is not client but it go with this problem

MTA is in the gta sa folder.

The gta_sa.exe is at the good place(in gta sa foler). There is something very weird in this :

The game works Great on my external hard drive, but on my Local Disk C: I got this problem and it is exactly the same game folder.

*Gta sa is cracked. I dont need to install it, I just need to copy paste the game folder and its work.

Edited by Guest
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[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CCommands::CCommands 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CCore::CCore 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CDirect3DHookManager::CDirect3DHookManager 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CDirectInputHookManager::CDirectInputHookManager 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CMessageLoopHook::CMessageLoopHook 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CSetCursorPosHook::CSetCursorPosHook 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CDirectInputHook8::CDirectInputHook8 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CDirect3DHook9::CDirect3DHook9 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # Direct3D9 hook applied 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # DirectInput8 ANSI Interface Created. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CProxyDirectInput8::CProxyDirectInput8 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # CProxyDirectInputDevice8::CProxyDirectInputDevice8 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:55 # Network loaded. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # Game loaded. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # Multiplayer loaded. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # XML loaded. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # GUI loaded. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # CProxyDirect3D9::CProxyDirect3D9 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # CProxyDirect3D9::CProxyDirect3D9 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # CProxyDirect3D9::~CProxyDirect3D9 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:56 # CProxyDirect3D9::CreateDevice 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # CProxyDirect3DDevice9::CProxyDirect3DDevice9 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnDirect3DDeviceCreate 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # GUI initialized. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # Creating renderer wrapper... 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # Loading font texture... 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # Font texture load successful! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # Font data load successful! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsConsoleVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsMainMenuVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsConsoleVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsMainMenuVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsConsoleVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsMainMenuVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsConsoleVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:04:58 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsMainMenuVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:03 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsConsoleVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't! 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:03 # WARNING: CLocalGUI::IsMainMenuVisible() called, but CLocalGUI::CreateObjects() isn't 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:03 # CProxyDirect3DDevice9::Reset 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:03 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnInvalidate 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:04 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnRestore 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:34 # CProxyDirect3DDevice9::Reset 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:34 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnInvalidate 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:35 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnRestore 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:36 # CProxyDirect3DDevice9::Reset 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:36 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnInvalidate 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:05:36 # CDirect3DEvents9::OnRestore 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCore::~CCore 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCore::DestroyNetwork 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCore::DestroyMultiplayer 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCore::DestroyGame 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCommands::~CCommands 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CSetCursorPosHook::~CSetCursorPosHook 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CDirect3DHookManager::~CDirect3DHookManager 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # Direct3D9 hook removed. 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CDirect3DHook9::~CDirect3DHook9 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CDirectInputHookManager::~CDirectInputHookManager 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CDirectInputHook8::~CDirectInputHook8 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CMessageLoopHook::~CMessageLoopHook 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCore::DestroyGUI 
[DEBUG EVENT] 01-27-2011 @ 00:07:02 # CCore::DestroyXML 


27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'default-normal' using the font file 'C:\WINDOWS\fonts\tahoma.ttf' and a size of 9. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'default-normal_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'default-small' using the font file 'C:\WINDOWS\fonts\tahoma.ttf' and a size of 7. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'default-small_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'default-bold-small' using the font file 'C:\WINDOWS\fonts\tahomabd.ttf' and a size of 8. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'default-bold-small_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'clear-normal' using the font file 'C:\WINDOWS\fonts\verdana.ttf' and a size of 9. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'clear-normal_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'sa-header' using the font file 'cgui/saheader.ttf' and a size of 26. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'sa-header_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'sa-gothic' using the font file 'cgui/sagothic.ttf' and a size of 47. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'sa-gothic_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font 'sans' using the font file 'cgui/sans.ttf' and a size of 9. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'sans_auto_glyph_images' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to load Scheme from file 'cgui/CGUI.xml'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'cgui/CGUI.is.xml'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins ===== 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) ===== Look and feel parsing completed ===== 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) No window factories specified for module 'CEGUIFalagardBase' - adding all available factories... 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Button' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Checkbox' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ComboDropList' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Combobox' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Editbox' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/FrameWindow' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeader' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Listbox' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Menubar' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/MenuItem' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/PopupMenu' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ProgressBar' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/RadioButton' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Scrollbar' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Slider' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Spinner' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/StaticImage' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/StaticText' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/SystemButton' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/TabButton' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/TabControl' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/TabPane' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Thumb' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Titlebar' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Tooltip' windows added. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/Titlebar' using base type 'Falagard/Titlebar' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/Titlebar'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/Button' using base type 'Falagard/Button' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/Button'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/FrameWindow' using base type 'Falagard/FrameWindow' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/FrameWindow'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/Editbox' using base type 'Falagard/Editbox' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/Editbox'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'Falagard/Thumb' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/VerticalScrollbarThumb'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/VerticalScrollbar'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'Falagard/Thumb' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/HorizontalScrollbar'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/StaticImage' using base type 'Falagard/StaticImage' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/StaticImage'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/StaticText' using base type 'Falagard/StaticText' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/StaticText'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/MultiLineEditbox'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/MultiColumnList' using base type 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/MultiColumnList'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ListHeader' using base type 'Falagard/ListHeader' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ListHeader'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ListHeaderSegment' using base type 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ListHeaderSegment'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/TabButton' using base type 'Falagard/TabButton' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/TabButton'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/TabControl' using base type 'Falagard/TabControl' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/TabControl'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/TabPane' using base type 'Falagard/TabPane' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/TabPane'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ProgressBar' using base type 'Falagard/ProgressBar' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ProgressBar'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/Checkbox' using base type 'Falagard/Checkbox' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/Checkbox'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/RadioButton' using base type 'Falagard/RadioButton' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/RadioButton'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ScrollablePane' using base type 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ScrollablePane'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ComboDropList' using base type 'Falagard/ComboDropList' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ComboDropList'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ComboEditbox' using base type 'Falagard/Editbox' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ComboEditbox'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/Combobox' using base type 'Falagard/Combobox' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/Combobox'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'CGUI/ImageButton' using base type 'Falagard/Button' and LookN'Feel 'CGUI/ImageButton'. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset '1' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset '4' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset '7' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\locked.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\magnfglasssmall.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\static.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\mta_filler.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:04:58 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\mta_header.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:10 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\static.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:26 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\info.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\mta\cgui\images\16-message-warn.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\1.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\2.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\3.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\4.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\5.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\6.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\7.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\8.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\9.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\10.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\1.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\2.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\3.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\4.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\5.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\6.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\7.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\8.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\9.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\transferset\10.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:27 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\info.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:28 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\MTA/cgui\images\static.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:05:35 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset '192' with texture only. 
27/01/2011 00:06:39 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\mods\deathmatch/resources/scoreboard/colorpicker/palette.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:06:39 (Error) Exception: DefaultResourceProvider::load - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\MTA (multitheftauto)\mods\deathmatch/resources/scoreboard/colorpicker/alpha.png does not exist 
27/01/2011 00:06:39 (Error) Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'clear-normal-normal' does not exist within the system 
27/01/2011 00:06:39 (Error) Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'clear-normalnormal' does not exist within the system 
27/01/2011 00:06:53 (Error) Exception: There is no Property named 'HorzImageFormatting' available in the set. 


** -- Unhandled exception -- ** 
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Sat Jan 15 15:40:20 2011
Module = C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000142A2
EAX=01583388  EBX=00000000  ECX=015832F0  EDX=00000000  ESI=000000FE
EDI=00000000  EBP=0022ED84  ESP=0022ED6C  EIP=77E842A2  FLG=00210246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Sun Jan 16 20:31:03 2011
Module = C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000142A2
EAX=01583388  EBX=00000000  ECX=015832F0  EDX=00000000  ESI=000000FE
EDI=00000000  EBP=0022ED84  ESP=0022ED6C  EIP=77E842A2  FLG=00210246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Tue Jan 18 00:48:14 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\D3D9.DLL
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x0000EE8C
EAX=00000000  EBX=026F3BD0  ECX=0022FC34  EDX=0022FCF4  ESI=00000016
EDI=0022FD74  EBP=00000000  ESP=0022FAF0  EIP=026BEE8C  FLG=00210202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Tue Jan 18 19:07:56 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1292745C  ECX=1292745C  EDX=129274B0  ESI=1292743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Tue Jan 18 20:52:19 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1085745C  ECX=1085745C  EDX=108574B0  ESI=1085743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Tue Jan 18 23:08:04 2011
Module = C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000142A2
EAX=01583070  EBX=00000000  ECX=01582FD8  EDX=00000000  ESI=000000FE
EDI=00000000  EBP=03BDFDD0  ESP=03BDFDB8  EIP=77E842A2  FLG=00010246
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Tue Jan 18 23:23:36 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1105745C  ECX=1105745C  EDX=110574B0  ESI=1105743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Wed Jan 19 23:47:33 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1105745C  ECX=1105745C  EDX=110574B0  ESI=1105743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 00:00:04 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1105745C  ECX=1105745C  EDX=110574B0  ESI=1105743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 00:02:10 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1105745C  ECX=1105745C  EDX=110574B0  ESI=1105743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 00:04:58 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1105745C  ECX=1105745C  EDX=110574B0  ESI=1105743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 00:29:29 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1025745C  ECX=1025745C  EDX=102574B0  ESI=1025743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 11:12:58 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1014745C  ECX=1014745C  EDX=101474B0  ESI=1014743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 11:16:37 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1044745C  ECX=1044745C  EDX=104474B0  ESI=1044743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210202
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 11:18:40 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1014745C  ECX=1014745C  EDX=101474B0  ESI=1014743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 11:28:18 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=1014745C  ECX=1014745C  EDX=101474B0  ESI=1014743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
** -- End of unhandled exception -- **
** -- Unhandled exception -- **
Version = 1.0.4-release-2106.3.004
Time = Thu Jan 20 11:36:13 2011
Module = K:\storage\JEUX\MTA\gta_sa.exe
Code = 0xC0000005
Offset = 0x000A2CF3
EAX=00000000  EBX=0FED745C  ECX=0FED745C  EDX=0FED74B0  ESI=0FED743C
EDI=00004008  EBP=02CA7764  ESP=0022FB8C  EIP=004A2CF3  FLG=00210206
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000
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I too had such problem. Because of it pictures in MTA - pictures in Map Editor menu, pictures on game servers, a choice of colour of a car, a badge of the lock to the left of sites with passwords and so on (though, for example, speedometers were displayed) were not displayed. However interface MTA was displayed normally.

And here, I am literally 2 days ago have solved this problem! I live in Russia, and on it, named a folder for games by the Russian name С:\игры\MTA\ (Unicode).

And in this folder there was folder MTA. Also there was this error. That do many thing's: both OS reinstalled, and reinstalled Direct X, Visual C ++, established Visual Basic 6.0 Run Time - all uselessly.

And here, I have solved "I Will establish MTA in a disk root". Has established. Has started. And an error has not appeared!

MTA it was normally started! I very much was surprised (my jaw have drooped:))

And so!

That this error did not appear, it is necessary to establish MTA in a folder only with the English name (that is, with coding ANSI(ASCII), instead of with Unicode).

In the message of user Benox.exe I have seen that the folder in which is MTA, has not English symbols - C:\Jeux non installés\MTA\gta.sa

I think, because of the name there is this problem. Because the folder name has a symbol "é" - is a Unicode symbol.

On it, library Visual C ++ does not understand Unicode and does not wish to work. At me was too most. Because Russian letters are symbols in coding Unicode.


So, all who has an error, first of all check up, in a folder with what name (with what symbols in the name) there is folder MTA.

I think, if at you all necessary of the list is above established (DirectX, Visual C ++), and the error all the same appears, try to rename a folder in which there is a folder with MTA.

Use only symbols from coding ANSI(ASCII)! That is letters A-Z, figures and signs (for example, a sign "_")

Good luck!

For example:

Right - C:\MTA\ or C:\My games\MTA\ (on ANSI - ASCII)


Wrong - C:\Мои игры\MTA\ (russian) or C:\teddy_üñüñäß\MTA\ (some language)

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