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Mission question


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Eh, can you please explain better and more clearly what you actually want?

I wanted to do for the mission checkpoints example:

but it does not work. :(

local localplayer = getLocalPlayer() 
function Markers ( hitElement, matchingDimension ) 
local testnum = getElementData ( localPlayer, "test" ) 
    destroyElement ( test ) 
    if testnum == 1 then 
        test = createMarker ( 1058.8583984375,1375.248046875,10.446697235107, "checkpoint" ) 
    if testnum == 2 then 
        test = createMarker ( 1005.3486328125,1334.0693359375,10.419406890869, "checkpoint" ) 
    if testnum == 3 then 
        test = createMarker ( 1029.42578125,1190.646484375,10.588260650635, "checkpoint" ) 
    setElementData ( localPlayer, "test", testnum + 1 ) 
    addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", test, Markers ) 

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Ok, lets go by steps:

1) look the first line: the variable 'localplayer' should be 'localPlayer' (case sensitive, you know).

2) I just got a code for you (not tested though) with comments:

local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() 
--lets put all your markers co-ordinates in a table to handle them later 
local mp = { 
  { 1058.8583984375,1375.248046875,10.446697235107 }, 
  { 1005.3486328125,1334.0693359375,10.419406890869 }, 
  { 1029.42578125,1190.646484375,10.588260650635 } 
function createFirstMarker() 
  setElementData( localPlayer, "test", 1 ); 
  createNextMarker( 1 ) --to create the first marker 
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), createFirstMarker ) 
function onTestMarkerHit( hitElement, dim ) 
  if getElementType( hitElement ) == "player" then --if a player just got in the marker 
    removeEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", source, onTestMarkerHit ) --source is the marker that player got in 
    destroyElement( source ); --we dont need this marker anymore 
    setElementData( hitElement, "test", getElementData( hitElement, "test" ) + 1 ) --increase player 'marker count' by one 
    if mp[ getElementData( hitElement, "test" ) ] then --if there is an existing row with this index in 'mp' table, create the next marker 
      createNextMarker( getElementData( hitElement, "test" ) ) 
      outputChatBox( "There are no any markers left" ); 
function createNextMarker( id ) 
  local x, y, z = mp[ id ][ 1 ], mp[ id ][ 2 ], mp[ id ][ 3 ] --get the co-ordinates from the 'mp' table 
  local newMarker = createMarker( x, y, z, "checkpoint" ) 
  addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", newMarker, onTestMarkerHit ) 

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Ok, lets go by steps:

1) look the first line: the variable 'localplayer' should be 'localPlayer' (case sensitive, you know).

2) I just got a code for you (not tested though) with comments:

local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() 
--lets put all your markers co-ordinates in a table to handle them later 
local mp = { 
  { 1058.8583984375,1375.248046875,10.446697235107 }, 
  { 1005.3486328125,1334.0693359375,10.419406890869 }, 
  { 1029.42578125,1190.646484375,10.588260650635 } 
function createFirstMarker() 
  setElementData( localPlayer, "test", 1 ); 
  createNextMarker( 1 ) --to create the first marker 
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), createFirstMarker ) 
function onTestMarkerHit( hitElement, dim ) 
  if getElementType( hitElement ) == "player" then --if a player just got in the marker 
    removeEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", source, onTestMarkerHit ) --source is the marker that player got in 
    destroyElement( source ); --we dont need this marker anymore 
    setElementData( hitElement, "test", getElementData( hitElement, "test" ) + 1 ) --increase player 'marker count' by one 
    if mp[ getElementData( hitElement, "test" ) ] then --if there is an existing row with this index in 'mp' table, create the next marker 
      createNextMarker( getElementData( hitElement, "test" ) ) 
      outputChatBox( "There are no any markers left" ); 
function createNextMarker( id ) 
  local x, y, z = mp[ id ][ 1 ], mp[ id ][ 2 ], mp[ id ][ 3 ] --get the co-ordinates from the 'mp' table 
  local newMarker = createMarker( x, y, z, "checkpoint" ) 
  addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", newMarker, onTestMarkerHit ) 

Thank you cool dude:)

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