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First-person specating when specating in race gamemode


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  Puma said:

Was harder to make then a normal first-person script, because my script had to fit in the system that the race-gamemode uses: switch to spectate another player while in first-person, switch when the player you're spectating dies etc.

I don't see anything hard in using getCameraTarget() and adding an event handler for the element, but nice video anyways.

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Believe me, it really is not that simple. There's a lot of small things that you have to bear in mind when you're doing first-person in the spectator mode in race (you die, you get to spectate other players). There's a lot more that you have to take into account, because the script has to fit in to the way the race gamemode works. I had to modify small parts of the race resource, because I needed functions that were in it, check a lot of 'movements' that the spectating player does when spectating.

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