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Interior mapping problem, need help.


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Ok basically im using the mp_sfpd_big interior thing, its a cleaned out version of the SFPD HQ. For some reason the objects which would be in the default version are in this cleaned out interior but are invisible. So in one room there are a couple of invisible desks which are there from the default one, and Im sure it wasnt ther before. In some rooms, this doesnt happen, in others it does. Any one know what to do?

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It's because the collisions of those pieces of furniture are contained within the mp_sfpd_big object. I guess since Rockstar never expected SFPD HQ to be disassembled, they didn't go to too much trouble to make sure everything was entirely separate, so there are some shared collisions there.

I guess your only options would be to either block off the rooms that are a problem, or to create a new collision file for mp_sfpd_big.

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