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First time mapping help


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A question that I want to ask before I start my first ever mapping project. How can I get like a default interior with no previous objects, say like a blank SFPD/LVPD HQ so I can customise it how I want. Becauses its annoying to have these preset locations with objects you cant remove. Thanks

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You are only able to use GTA's objects in MTA's Map Editor. So if you find a police station interior object, and the object contains desks and chairs or whatever which are not separate, then you're stuck with it. If there is no blank SFPD/LVPD HQ object already existing in GTA, then it can't be made to be blank using Map Editor. The only way forward from there would be to edit those objects in something like 3DSMax and replace them in MTA using LUA - but that can get rather complicated.

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