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[REQ] My servers need some resources.


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I have a gamer/modder community and I would create some servers. There will have a RP server, Race and TEST/ showroom server. So I need some ressources...


A Mouse mod

- when we press "M", we can use the mouse to interact with vehicles, NPC's, Players, objects,...


A saving mod :

- players stats (Health, guns, money in bank/hand, position, stats, inventory,... (FULL))

- vehicles position and stats (position (in interior too), fuel, inventory, tuned parts, colours, health,....)

- all items we drop on the floor, in safe, houses,...

- configurations : Houses,...

- that's also automatic ; So if the game/server crash, the position of player/vehicle, etc will be saved.

I hope I didn't forget anything :shock:


An inventory GUI system :

- press "i" or "/i" to open inventory.

- categories (Keys, weapons, items)

- drop'n'drag system (drag item(s) on differents icons (Erase, Drop on the floor, show to other players), drag item(s) to the floor, wall, vehicle, player X, safe,...

- usable items (food, drinks,...)


A Notebook mod :

- we bought a notebook with some pages inside, we tape in chat "/writenote [TEXT]" and the note will be in Inventory. We can drop the note as an item. The note can be readable.


A vehicle system :

- lock doors with keys (not a code to enter, I want like real keys).

- can be lockable outside the vehicle, but not too away from it.

- vehicle inventory (Press "M", right click on the vehicle. That will show a menu with inventory, lock/unlock, ("customize" if we are a Mechanic)

- if we try to open the vehicle without it's unlocked, it will declenche alarm and flashing flares (like GTA IV)

- can be filled with FuelCan or at GasStation. The fill will depend of the capacity of the fuelcan.

- a park system (/park) for when the vehicles are respawed by server/admin, they will respawn at last /park.

- when the vehicle is for sale, the owner must do"/sell [buyer's_name]" and the buyer will "/pay [amount] [player]" or transfer to the owner. After the "/sell", the new owner will be set.

- a key to start engine. When we press "SHIFT" (exemple), that start/stop the engine.

- a blinkers mod : (exemple) When we press "N", we can see a yellow round on the right of rear and front of flares.


A Bank mod :

- possibility to withdraw,tranfer at ATM (disperced in city)

- possibility to withdraw, get-in, transfer money at Bank.


A keys system :

- when we buy a vehicle, house, safe, business,... ; we have a key for each of them.

- A locksmith can duplicate any key.

- when we sell a thing to any player, one of the keys will be transfered to him. The rest can be droped to the buyer.

- all keys have their own ID's. The same keys have the same ID. A vehicle with ID 4125 has keys with ID 4125.


An house sytem :

- Admins can create houses, flats, business,... with object/all they want inside.

- If the building is not owned, a player can buy it with "F". If the building is owned but for sale, the player needs to contact owner, and this last will "/sellproperty [buyer's_name] to the buyer. And the buyer will "/pay [amount] [player]" or transfer money to owner. After the "/sellproperty", the new owner will be set.

- the player has a/some key(s) to lock/unlock the door(s). He can lock/unlock with "K" or "mouse mode > right click on the door > Lock/Unlock".

- the player can put anything he wants in the house. He also can buy a safe and puts it inside the house to put his objects in.

- there are a function with the right click on the door, to knock it. The player(s) inside and outside near the door will see a message in chat "Someone knocks on the door.".


A money system :

- all houses/vehicles have taxes. The taxe depends on the value of house/vehicle.

- all players will have a payslip every 1h they play. The paypslip count money by the governement (200$), the taxes (taxes will remove some money from the payslip) and the bank interest (Will depend of the money in bank account). The money will be add to bank account.

- /pay command. To pay a taxi, house, vehicle, drinks in bar, retaurant,... The player needs to do this command : "/pay [ammount] [player]" the ammount is the money we pay to the guy, player is the recipient. The money must be in hands and will be send in player's hands.


A glue mod :

- to glue character to a vehicle, or vehicle to a vehicle.

- to glue character/vehicle to a map object.


So if you have one of these resources, can you post me a link please ?

I don't do these scripts... why ? Because I can't script, I never scripted in LUA or other languages.

If I have a resource with all things I want, I'll write near the resource "Already have

If I need an other resource, I'll add it to the end.

Thanks a lot ! This project is dear to my heart a lot ! :cry:

If anyone needs to script one of these resources, don't thing I'll pay you :wink: My community is not big so I haven't money to buy resources, gamehosting,....

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I don't want to someone script my server... I just ask if anyone have 1 resource.

I've searching on the site you posted but most of resources are incomplete, totally bugged or the best resources are suspended... I also took some resources from it but I don't write them in the list.

varez, I'm planning to learn that, don't worry :wink:

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So, in other words Valhalla, the biggest piece of crap in our community. I think you're missing corrupt admins and terrorist roleplayers as well.


Well to bring up the cursor, just make a new script and paste this function into it:

function cursor(player, key, keystate) 
    showCursor(player, not isCursorShowing(player)) 

The "not" is supposed to be there by the way - it inverts the boolean. So if isCursorShowing returns true, the not function inverts it to false when the showCursor function is run. Then you can use onPlayerClick to handle what happens when the player is clicked on. Remember to pass the arguments to the function correctly. Fex,

function clickHandler(mouseButton, buttonState, clickedElement) 
    if(getElementType(clickedElement == "player")) 
         if (mouseButton == "left") then 
                outputChatBox(source, "You clicked".. getPlayerName(clickedElement)) 
                outputChatBox(source, "You right clicked".. getPlayerName(clickedElement)) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerClick", getRootElement(), clickHandler) 

In that example code, when one player (argument source) clicks another (argument clickedElement), it will first make sure the element clicked is a player. It will then detect the button (argument mouseButton) that was used and output a message to the player (source) giving the name of the player that was clicked.

This is just an example to show how it can be used. You'll need to script the rest on your own.

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Because these features sound almost verbatim to the Valhalla MTA Roleplay Server which was effectively the biggest waste of my time since middle school gym class. The admins are irresponsible and corrupt, the factions are being led by the same kind of people, and there are terrorist attacks on gas stations and the news tower all the time. Police do nothing, and admins do nothing.

I'm just pissed because I actually played it for as long as I did and actually tried to change things there. Kinda how I felt about SA-MP after I discovered there was actually an MTA besides Race.

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Well, I totally agree with you. But Valhalla is my prefered server on MTA. Terrorists are N00bs. Don't think as the police and admins do nothing, because now, whenever I pass by IGS, there are some police cars, police bikes, and sometimes a SWAT tank. Admins are there too. But now, there are nothing at IGS, a big barrier with firetruck and burned things. That's very ugly as thing, especially when a new player read the tutorial...

About admins, you aren't false. There are some "n00bs admins" who crash their plane near IGS.

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