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I need some help to create my server.



Hello, I'm new on this forum and I don't know a lot of things on this subject : Creating a MTA:SA server.

So, I'd like a tutorial to help me create my server for my community. The server will be hosted on my computer, I haven't the money to pay a gamehosting or a dedicaced server.

I saw the wiki but I can't follow it, it's too dificult to understand.

A big thank in advance.

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No is your router as I wrote above. When you want to talk to your router and configure it, you type that address. Your specific computer is assigned IP ... notice the last digit, every computer you connect to the router just keeps counting up on that.

Here is a broad explanation on what you're doing: ALL your computers and other devices are connected to your router. Internet traffic comes through your router. This data comes over ports that range up to 65,535 (everything has its own ports). You are running a server. You need all the data coming and going from the server port and server port + 123 to come to YOUR computer. The router does not know, you must tell it. Thus, you port forward to

Edit: one more thing, port+123 is how MTA was configured to communicate with both ASE and game-monitor servers for simplicity. It is not some magic formula.

Clear as mud?

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Here is a broad explanation on what you're doing: ALL your computers and other devices are connected to your router. Internet traffic comes through your router. This data comes over ports that range up to 65,535 (everything has its own ports). You are running a server. You need all the data coming and going from the server port and server port + 123 to come to YOUR computer. The router does not know, you must tell it. Thus, you port forward to

Your Internet IP has nothing to do with this. Router IPs are what you are using!!!!! Here is a picture for you. I can't explain it any better.


edit: sorry I forgot that you need an http port as well that is dedicated to letting people download resources, simply configure the port in the config the same way as explained.

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in your router settings there should be option to allow enter admin panel from the internet - enable it and let me in (send passwords through pm).

dont forget to block it after.

also i'll set your local ip to static, as it can change too with default config - causing server to be not working again after restart or something.

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it will be available only if you keep it 8-24h online (game-monitor don't want to add temporary servers to the list) - anyway, having dynamic ip will be a problem here - changed ip - and you will have to wait again :/ (after successful adding your server will stay on the list for few days - after few days of inactivity - it will be removed)

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you can set it in router - but it can broke your internet if isp (internet service providor) disallow it.

also this is "main" setup of router - it can remove saved username and password for asdl - watch out if you dont know them (some isps are delivering pre-configured routers and it's a trouble to find ASDL login data)

the best way - contact your isp and ask them.

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I restart the Topic because I have a problem when I want to configure an external web server...

-I copy the Folder "mods" with all things inside (/deathmatch/logs/resource-cache/resources/and all others files) to my hoster (http://groupe-tgmc.legtux.org/servers/mta).

But after I don't know how to configure all things for the clients download all resources from my hoster.

I want for I start the server on my computer (multi theft auto/server/mtaserver.exe) and When I/clients connect to the server I/they download the files from my hoster. I do that because I have a really slow connection and my Hoster provide a illimited bandwich for the <10mb files.

Thanks in advance,


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The problem is that I really need that... I haven' t the money to buy a dedicaced server for the moment (But I think I will rent a dedicaced server from GTA-Multi.com), My bandwich sucks a lot and the community extends :cry:

I don't mind if my hoster goes down, I'll put the files on my computer for the time it will be down.

Hm.. I didn't think at the security :? Do you think as the files will be protected untill next month ?

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