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marker problem. Please help.


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Well I want that if you walk into a marker that it says:

You are in the pilot marker.

I tried but failed.

I have this:

pilotmarker = createMarker ( 1712.4139404297,1616.1068115234,9.130989074707, "cylinder",1.0)



and then I have this:

addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit",getRootElement(),
if (source == pilotmarker) then
outputChatBox("Failed to create vehicle.",player)

And well. I see the small blue marker. But when I walk into it. just nothing happends

Please help

Thanks inregards

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bettter add event handler attached only for that one marker, your script will be easier and.. faster :)

pilotmarker = -- create marker here
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", pilotmarker, function()

btw: debugscript /3 and outputDebugString should be your best friends

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Well it didn;t worked yet. Thanks for helping by the way.

Is it better when I show you everything about it?

function load ( name )
pilot = createPed ( 61,1712.6456298828,1617.2902832031,10.063969612122)
setPedRotation ( pilot, 169.0)
pilotmarker = createMarker ( 1712.4139404297,1616.1068115234,9.130989074707, "cylinder",1.0)
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), load )
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", pilotmarker, function()
outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server", thePlayer)

Sorry for the

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btw one thing:

your resource will be creating new ped and marker when ANY resource starts..


Important: If you attach this event to the root element it will called when any resource starts, not just the resource your script is running inside. As such, most of the time you will want to check that the resource passed to this event matches your resource (compare with the value returned by getThisResource) before doing anything. Alternatively you can attach the event to getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()).

ill check this code now

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okay, the problem is you have to put event handler after marker is created, using onResourceStart looks like adding new thread, so you cant be sure if your marker will be created before or after adding onMarkerHit event.. do something like:

function load_ (name) -- i suggest not to use "load" as function name
pilot = createPed (61,1712.6456298828,1617.2902832031,10.063969612122)
setPedRotation ( pilot, 169.0)
pilotmarker = createMarker ( 1712.4139404297,1616.1068115234,9.130989074707, "cylinder",1.5) -- its very hard to hit 1.0 marker.. i did it just once
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", pilotmarker, function()
outputDebugString("hit pilot marker")
outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server", thePlayer)
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), load_)

will be ok..



all your errors can be easly spotted:


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But what when I want a gui menu shows up when someone steps in the marker?

u can use this function,

triggerClientEvent (source,"YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT",source)

then in client side:

function showGUI()
addEvent("YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT", true)
addEventHandler("YOUR_CUSTOM_EVENT", getRootElement(), showGUI)

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Wiki is the first place that you should visit when you need help. Remember that. I've never asked a question on this forum on how to script... All you need to do is spend loads of time reading. Practice makes perfect.

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