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Has anyone ever made a hunger script? If so, can someone give a link here please?

If not, I'm willing to pay the first person who successfully makes a hunger script that meets the following requirements:

- Player's hunger constantly decreases over time

- Player is warned when hunger reaches low levels

*-Markers are created at given locations, that when entered, fully replenish Player's hunger.

- Player slowly begins to lose health when hunger reaches 0.

*If you can come up with another way to refill hunger, that's ok too.

Payment can be negotiated over MSN. My MSN is [email protected]


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Maxaxle: I'm not sure we have a policy against paying for scripts? As long as it's done legally, I see no reason why it's a bad thing, it can only encourage people to script for MTA. I'd say it's preferable that people post and offer to pay for scripts than expect people to script for them for free. At least it shows they appreciate that scripts don't grow on trees (except the element tree of course!)

Can you please let moderators and team members judge what's allowed and what's not?

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sounds like you want a 3th bar above health or armor, so you need DX functions.

Or do it easier, with a gui progress bar =D but it don't looks like something, but it has to work o.O

create a timer, which sets down the progress bar every ... seconds with 1.

everytime when the timer repeats, check if the new one is 0, when it is. killPed () the player:D

when you pickup a hamburger pickup or so. set the progress bar to 100, and play again :3

not a very difficult script i think o,o

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The reason I asked is because I REALLY suck at scripting. :|

I wasn't really thinking of having a 3rd bar, I was just thinking of having a counting down invisible variable that alerts a player when it reaches 20 for example.

If it's that easy can u do it? Ill pay you if you want :D

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