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Admin hide

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Ok so what I'm looking to do is make it so that an admin can hide themselves, so when trying to watch what's going on (in say an RP on an RP server) no player can see that the admin is there.

Here's the code I have server-side:

function adminHide(sourcePlayer, command)
if isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)) ~= true then
if not isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then
outputChatBox("Sorry, but you are not allowed to use the hide command", sourcePlayer)
return false
if getElementData(sourcePlayer, "hidden") then
setElementAlpha(sourcePlayer, 255)
removeElementData(sourcePlayer, "hidden")
			setPlayerNameTagShowing(sourcePlayer, true)
triggerClientEvent(sourcePlayer, "onUnhide", sourcePlayer)
outputChatBox("You are no longer invisible.", sourcePlayer)
setElementData(sourcePlayer, "hidden")
setElementAlpha(sourcePlayer, 0)
			setPlayerNameTagShowing(sourcePlayer, false)
triggerClientEvent(sourcePlayer, "onHide", sourcePlayer)
outputChatBox("You are now invisible.", sourcePlayer)
addCommandHandler("ahide", adminHide)


[15:07:42] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:10: Bad argument @ 'setEl


[15:07:42] ERROR: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:12: attempt to call global

'setPlayerNameTagShowing' (a nil value)

Here's the code I have client-side:

function showToLocalPartial()
setElementAlpha(source, 150)
addEvent("onHide", true)
addEventHandler("onHide", getRootElement(), showToLocalPartial)
function showToLocalAbsolute()
setElementAlpha(source, 255)
addEvent("onUnhide", true)
addEventHandler("onUnhide", getRootElement(), showToLocalAbsolute)


-The graphics go slightly red, the draw distance seems to drop and it doesn't make them partially visible.

-Maybe this is scripted wrong?

Any help is appreciated. :)

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The serverside errors are very easy to fix.

1. You omitted an argument at setElementData. You have to provide a third argument as value for the element data, in your case it would be:

setElementData(sourcePlayer, "hidden", true)

2. It's 'setPlayerNametagShowing', not 'setPlayerNameTagShowing'. Functions are always case sensitive!

Because of the second mistake, the script probably stopped at this point and the clientside event never got triggered.

That should fix all your problems but the one with the graphics.

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