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Admin Goto and Admin Bring

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Hey guys,

So I'm new to scripting and I've been trying to make my own / admin commands.

I've come down to the part where I'm using "setElementPosition" and "getElementPosition" so I've written this:

function adminGoto(sourcePlayer, command, tPlayer)
if isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)) ~= true then
if not isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then
outputChatBox ( "Sorry, but you are not allowed to use the goto command", sourcePlayer )
return false
if not tPlayer then
outputChatBox("You need to specify a target player. Syntax: /agoto ", sourcePlayer)
return false
if not getPlayerFromName(tPlayer) then
outputChatBox("Specified player not found on server.", sourcePlayer)
return false
local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromName(tPlayer)
local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(tPlayer)
if isPedInVehicle(targetPlayer) then
local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(tPlayer)
local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( vehicle ) + 1
local i = 0
while i < seats do
if not getVehicleOccupant (vehicle, i) then
warpPedIntoVehicle (sourcePlayer, vehicle, i)
						i = i + 1
if i >= seats then
setElementPosition(sourcePlayer, tx + 10, ty, tz + 25, true)
outputChatBox("Sorry, the player's vehicle is full.", sourcePlayer)
setElementPosition(sourcePlayer, tx + 10, ty, tz + 25, true)
outputChatBox("You have been teleported to:" ..getPlayerFromName(tPlayer)..".", sourcePlayer)
outputChatBox("An administrator has teleported to you.", targetPlayer)
-- etc
addCommandHandler("agoto", adminGoto)
function adminBring(sourcePlayer, command, tPlayer)
if isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)) ~= true then
if not isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(sourcePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then
outputChatBox ( "Sorry, but you are not allowed to use the bring command", sourcePlayer )
return false
local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromName(tPlayer)
local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(sourcePlayer)
setElementPosition(targetPlayer, tx + 10, ty, tz + 25, true)
outputChatBox("You have teleported " ..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).." to you.", sourcePlayer)
outputChatBox("An administrator has teleported you to them.", targetPlayer)
addCommandHandler("abring", adminBring)

So, here's the errors that are printed by each command:


[20:39:35] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:17: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerFromName'

[20:39:35] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:18: Bad argument @ 'getElementPosition'

[20:39:35] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:19: Bad argument @ 'isPedInVehicle'

[20:39:35] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:35: Bad argument @ 'setElementPosition'

[20:39:35] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:36: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName'

[20:39:35] ERROR: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:36: attempt to concatenate a boolean value


[20:41:31] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:53: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerFromName'

[20:41:31] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:55: Bad argument @ 'setElementPosition'

[20:41:31] WARNING: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:56: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName'

[20:41:31] ERROR: admincmds/server/admincommands.lua:56: attempt to concatenate a boolean value

I'd normally ask my friend, but I just can't see what's wrong myself and he's AFK lol.

Hope someone can help. :)

EDIT: Corrected line numbers to fit snippet and not the full resource file.

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-- 17 and 18 line:
local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromName(tPlayer) -- before this try outputChatBox(tostring(tPlayer)) -- a little debug 
local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(tPlayer) -- you should use player element (targetPlayer) not player name ;P -- this occurs in few next lines

in bring function you are not checking if player name is passed at all..

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