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"Error: Attempt to compare number with boolean"

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so get pack to previous post and re-read it.

you messed up something, thats all.

good idea - rewrite whole script (writing same thing again is faster) but you have to focus and watch out on every step. think, and try to expect every possible data on every function etc

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Because you can't convert boolean to a number :| Find you one setAccountData where you change value of "wwacc.timesSpawned" and make sure the value is not boolean. The code you showed sets timesSpawned twice and in both cases it's 0. Find the line where you change it to true or false. It's not possible that account data changes by itself. So what does getAccountData( playerid, "wwacc.timesSpawned" ) return?

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This is kinda weird. The variable is always a number until I restart the server. Then it becomes a boolean (false)... I've output its value everywhere I set it and also created a command to see it. It always sends a number, but when I restart the server it messes up to a boolean. I've also rewritten the whole script, here's the new login/register/spawning/test command code:

function spawnHandler(posX, posY, posZ, spawnRotation, theTeam, theSkin, theInterior, theDimension)
local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
if account == false then
outputChatBox("Error: You have to log in to spawn.", source, 255, 0, 0)
elseif account ~= false then
if getAccountData(account, "wwacc.skin") == false or getAccountData(account, "wwacc.skin") == nil then
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.skin", 0)
if getAccountData(account, "wwacc.justDied") == true then
triggerClientEvent("showGUI_deathSelect", getRootElement())
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned", getAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned")+1)
outputChatBox(tostring(getAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned")), source)
addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), spawnHandler)
function command_test(playerSource, commandName, ...)
outputChatBox(tostring(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(playerSource), "wwacc.timesSpawned")))
addCommandHandler("test", command_test)
function loginHandler(player, username, password)
local account = getAccount(username, password)
if account ~= false then
if logIn(player, account, password) == true then
triggerClientEvent("hideLoginWindow", player)
setPlayerName(player, username)
outputChatBox(tostring(getAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned")), source)
if getAccountData(account, "wwacc.justDied") == true then
triggerClientEvent("showGUI_deathSelect", getRootElement())
elseif getAccountData(account, "wwacc.needsSelect") == true then
triggerClientEvent("showGUI_teamSelect", player)
elseif getAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned") > 0 then
fadeCamera(player, true)
spawnPlayer(player, getAccountData(account, "wwacc.xPos"), getAccountData(account, "wwacc.yPos"), getAccountData(account, "wwacc.zPos"), getAccountData(account, "wwacc.angle"), getAccountData(account, "wwacc.skin"), getAccountData(account, "wwacc.interior"))
setCameraTarget(player, player)
elseif getAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned") == 0 then
if getAccountData(account, "wwacc.team") == 1 then
fadeCamera(player, true)
spawnPlayer(player, 245.9324, 1990.0793, 17.6406, 180, 287, 0, 0)
setElementInterior(player, 0)
setElementHealth(player, 100)
setPedArmor(player, 0)
setCameraTarget(player, player)
elseif getAccountData(account, "wwacc.team") == 2 then
fadeCamera(player, true)
spawnPlayer(player, -2681.7974, 2151.6648, 55.8125, 180, 100, 0, 0)
setElementInterior(player, 0)
setElementHealth(player, 100)
setPedArmor(player, 0)
setCameraTarget(player, player)
outputChatBox("Error: Invalid username or password", source, 255, 0, 0)
outputChatBox("Error: An account with that username doesn't exist.", source, 255, 0, 0)
addEvent("onLogin", true)
addEventHandler("onLogin", getRootElement(), loginHandler)
function registerHandler(player, username, password)
local account = getAccount(username)
if account ~= false then
if logIn(player, account, password) then
triggerClientEvent("hideLoginWindow", player)
setPlayerName(player, username)
outputChatBox("You have been successfully logged in.", player)
outputChatBox("Error: Invalid password.", player, 255, 0, 0)
	account = addAccount(username, password)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.team", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.needsSelect", true)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.waitingMoney", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.money", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.adminLevel", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.muted", false)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.regimentMember", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.regimentLeader", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.hasRadio", false)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.radioFreq", 0)
setAccountData(account, "wwacc.timesSpawned", 0)
if logIn(player, account, password) == true then
triggerClientEvent("hideLoginWindow", player)
triggerClientEvent("showGUI_teamSelect", player)
setPlayerName(player, username)
outputChatBox("You have been successfully logged in.", player)
outputChatBox("Error: Fatal error occured. Please contact an administrator for help.", player, 255, 0, 0)
addEvent("onRegister", true)
addEventHandler("onRegister", getRootElement(), registerHandler)

What am I doing wrong?

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