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A few questions

Guest Vagrant

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Ok... I'm a noob, so I have a few questions

1) How do I switch skins?

2) After about 10 seconds in game, the game screws up and disconnects. How do I fix this? I have business dsl, and my stuff certainly has a clear route, and I've tried several different servers

3) How do I switch to compatibility mode, and which ones do I choose? I am on ME

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Compatibility mode is a windowsXP 'feature', (some feature, more like a hastily bolted on fix for the fact XP isnt as backwards-compatible as microsoft lead people to believe), so you do not have it on winME

WinME has issues with mta but then lets face it, WinME is one big issue, the worst MS OS of all time, i strongly recommend you update to windows2000 or windowsXP (even win98se is a vastly more stable OS)

As for your particular problem. why are you asking when there are already too many posts with possible fixes for this onthe forum, and advice in the faq?

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