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hi, im trying to get the name from a edit then setPlayerName from that edit, how would i do that?

edit: also how i can do to show a window only one time to every new player, i mean when a player already saw that window he wont get it again on next time. i hope someone understand what i mean ;)

sorry for bad english

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so you have nothing?

did you try anthing btw? or wanting us to do that?

make a gui, triggerServerEvent, and to save the info that window was already shown you can use account data, sql, or xml.

and important information:

when you change someones name, it will be restored for him/her after disconnecting. so if you do that window to prevent "Player"'s to be on server, thats not a good idea to show that window once

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the window is a skin selector window, and i want only 1 time show it to the player cause with that way nobody will use the skin shop and i dont like that idea, so i wanted to show one time the select window to every new player in server.

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ok well i did a account data but dont works it says bad argument when setAccountData and getAccountData when a player login, here is my code.

function playerLoginCheckSkin (hitPlayer,thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin)
local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "rpg-skins")
if not (accountData) then
     skin = setAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "rpg-skins", 15)
triggerClientEvent ("showWin", getRootElement(), hitPlayer)	  
if (accountData) then	
triggerClientEvent ("dontShowWin", getRootElement(), hitPlayer)	  	
addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLoginCheckSkin)

Edited by Guest
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he means that this line should not be like this *)

player events are sending player element as the source, so hitPlayer is not needed there:

function playerLoginCheckSkin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin)
local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "rpg-skins")
if not accountData then
setAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "rpg-skins", 15)
triggerClientEvent (source, "showWin", getRootElement())    
triggerClientEvent (source, "dontShowWin", getRootElement())        
addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLoginCheckSkin)

(also, player you wish to trigger the event for must go in the first parameter of triggerClientEvent)

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u mean that this line should be like this? because i got same problem, so if u can be a bit more expecific.

function playerLoginCheckSkin (hitPlayer,thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin)

My point was, what are you doing, inserting completely random arguments into handler functions - it will screw up and that's guaranteed because that's how function arguments work in Lua - the order is everything, the names are completely arbitrary and insignificant.

As I thought should be fairly obvious once I showed you it was there, the issue here is the "hitPlayer" argument that has no connection whatsoever with a login event. What did you even put it there for?

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client part:

-- this goes into your button click event:
local playerName = guiGetText(yourGuiElementWithPlayerName)
if playerName then 
triggerServerEvent("nameChangeRequest", getLocalPlayer(), playerName)
outputChatBox("Please enter the name")


addEvent("nameChangeRequest", true) 
addEventHandler("nameChangeRequest", getRootElement(), 
setPlayerName(source, playerName)

something like that.

of course you can add some more checks like if newname == currentname or some unwanted symbols,

well i can too, but i had no sleep for 20 hours :D

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