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Alot of fun!


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HI there, I run the South Beach Server for MTA Vice CIty. Just wanted to drop in and say what great fun we all had last night. If this is the first release, I cant wait to see release # 3. A few bugs here and there, but none the less playable.

Just wanted to point out that the game is pretty stable up to about 15 players. After that people seem to get timed out more, and get exception errors. Other then that, with a 15 player server full, its alot of fun. Keep up the great work!

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Yes, it is a known fact that the less players on the server, the less crashes that will occur.

We do not really understand why, as the code is the same (just repeated further up the player list), but hell, I don't know :)

Oh well, thanks for your kind comments and we hope to try and make it better and better in the coming weeks / months.

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