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Access denied @ kickPlayer


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My Gamemode-Ressource is MTARL, but it can't access to kickPlayer, why?

Part of acl.xml:

<group name="Admin">
       <acl name="Moderator" />
       <acl name="SuperModerator" />
       <acl name="Admin" />
       <acl name="RPC" />
       <object name="resource.mtarl" />
       <object name="user.Manuel1948" />
       <object name="resource.admin" />
       <object name="resource.guieditor" />
       <object name="resource.webadmin" />
       <object name="user.Silvercorn" />

Part of Client Script:

function callServerFunction(funcname, ...)
local arg = { ... }
if (arg[1]) then
for key, value in next, arg do
if (type(value) == "number") then arg[key] = tostring(value) end
triggerServerEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction", root, funcname, unpack(arg))
function FalsePassword(IP)
falselogins=falselogins + 1
RefreshInfobox("Falsches Passwort! Noch "..(3-falselogins).." Versuche.")
if falselogins == 3 then
outputChatBox("[AutoKick] 3 mal falsches Passwort",0,255,255)
	callServerFunction("kickPlayer",source,nil,"3 mal falsches Passwort")
addEventHandler("FalsePassword", getLocalPlayer(),FalsePassword)

Part of Server Script:

function callServerFunction(funcname, ...)
local arg = { ... }
if (arg[1]) then
for key, value in next, arg do arg[key] = tonumber(value) or value end
loadstring("return "..funcname)()(unpack(arg))
addEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction", true)
addEventHandler("onClientCallsServerFunction", root, callServerFunction)

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You really must be careful providing access to something like kickPlayer directly from a client-side script. If someone hacked their version of MTA, they could kick everyone on your server, and do anything an admin could do (by the looks of your code). This is exactly why MTA doesn't provide these functions client-side.

Instead you should have the server ask the client for a password. The client sends a password back. If the client gets it wrong three times, the server kicks that client. That's pretty secure - there's no way someone can get someone else kicked.

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You really must be careful providing access to something like kickPlayer directly from a client-side script. If someone hacked their version of MTA, they could kick everyone on your server, and do anything an admin could do (by the looks of your code). This is exactly why MTA doesn't provide these functions client-side.

Instead you should have the server ask the client for a password. The client sends a password back. If the client gets it wrong three times, the server kicks that client. That's pretty secure - there's no way someone can get someone else kicked.

Would it also be secure to check the player's account on the server, or could the player send another player's player element as his own?

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Thanks, this was the solution, and @ all other: Why should the player hack to kick himself?
You really must be careful providing access to something like kickPlayer directly from a client-side script. If someone hacked their version of MTA, they could kick everyone on your server, and do anything an admin could do (by the looks of your code). This is exactly why MTA doesn't provide these functions client-side.

There's your answer, because it's by far not just restricted to his own. Think about it.

function callServerFunction(funcname, ...)
local arg = { ... }
if (arg[1]) then
for key, value in next, arg do arg[key] = tonumber(value) or value end
loadstring("return "..funcname)()(unpack(arg))
addEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction", true)
addEventHandler("onClientCallsServerFunction", root, callServerFunction)

This tells the server to do exactly the function entered. It won't just simply kick the player itself if he uses kickPlayer, but it targets the target specified.

For instance:

callServerFunction("kickPlayer",getPlayerFromName("unsuspecting_victim")) -- Not sure if I used it correctly, but it's about the theory

The server would handle this piece of code like it's a piece of a server-side script. Therefore, it would kick that player.

Now you might be at some point, "how could they access callServerFunction anyway?" Don't ask me, I don't know. But frankly, I wouldn't want to find out either.

The best way for preventing is is to simply place the falselogins check server-side. This means you would need to send the amount of falselogins with the triggerClientEvent though.

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I haven't seen anyone hack client-side scripts but it's eminently possible. You shouldn't trust any client-side script to do what you expect. Client-side scripts were designed for 'superficial' things, not things that can affect the stability of other players game. If you start putting code client-side that other players can see the effect of, you're opening yourself up to potential trouble.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

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