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Editing bombshopadv


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- hasObjectPermissionTo

- triggerClientEvent


- Nothing for as far as I can see...

Make a new script, seeing from the code, it doesn't matter what resource it is in. Make a function with a command handler and check with hasObjectPermissionTo if it has permission to a certain action in your ACL.xml. For this, you can add these lines for instance...

"resource.bombshop.openGUIDirectly""false" <!-- To the class default -->
"resource.bombshop.openGUIDirectly""true" <!-- To the minimum class required to use the GUI -->

After that, if the player has proven himself rightful enough to use the command, use triggerClientEvent(playerHere,"gui_bombshopEnter",player,10000)

Edited by Guest
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Look in the script for the function that starts the set of events. Then all you would have to do is add a command handler and make it call that function. You might have to toy around with it to get the variables to work with both onColShapeHit and addCommandHandler though. If you figure it out, make sure you add the bomb shop resource under your admin group in your ACL and protect the command.

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Edit: I ended up getting it to work, thanks everyone.

function openGUIDirectly ( playerSource, res )
if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( playerSource, "resource.bombshop.openGUIDirectly", true ) ) then
triggerClientEvent( playerSource, "gui_bombshopEnter", playerSource, 0)
else return end
addCommandHandler ( "bombshopgui", openGUIDirectly )

Although now I'm having a problem where after hit a bind for the command, either the window doesn't pop up unless you hit console or something that enables the cursor, or it pops up but the cursor is disabled.

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