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i need help guys please help me........


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i am beginner(not even a begineer lower than that) of scripting .i had written a script for warzone but its not working

if it works with little changes it gives two or more times money i dont know what to do..

if u wish to help i ll be thank full please.... here is the script

warRadar = createRadarArea (  1475.358, -1668.3005 , 78 , 118, 255, 0, 0, 175 )
warShape = createColCuboid ( 1442.970, -1718.917, -14, 73.66 , 113.233 , 500 )
function onPlayerShapeHit ( thePlayer, matchingDimension )
if ( getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" ) then
outputChatBox ( "You have entered War zone!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 )
setRadarAreaFlashing ( warRadar, true )
function giveMoney ( killer)
if ( killer ) and ( killer ~= source )  then
        givemoney( killer ,5000 )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted",getRootElement() , giveMoney )
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", warShape, onPlayerShapeHit )
function onPlayerShapeLeave ( thePlayer, matchingDimension )   
if ( getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" ) then
outputChatBox ( "You have leaved War zone!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 )
setRadarAreaFlashing ( warRadar, false )
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", warShape, onPlayerShapeLeave )

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robhol, but it is allowed ;)

Just tested with a lua binary

function one()
function two() 

I guess it's just declaring another variable inside the function. Would be the same if I did

two = function() print(2) end

But it does work that way and doesn't give errors

And from the first glance his syntax seems to be nice, not like some other people around here (you know who robhol )

Now to helping part:

It seems you started writing it all in one go and got lost while doing it. So first thing you need to do is rethink what you want to do and then do it correctly step by step. There aren't many steps involved here, but still it's easier to code this way.

First, you need to think when and only when will you give money to killer. That means

  • If a player got killed
  • If the killer was in the colshape
  • If the killed was in the colshape

That means you need to add a function which triggers "onPlayerWasted" event (some function and an event handler to trigger it)

warRadar = createRadarArea (  1475.358, -1668.3005 , 78 , 118, 255, 0, 0, 175 ) -- your radar area
warShape = createColCuboid ( 1442.970, -1718.917, -14, 73.66 , 113.233 , 500 ) -- your colcuboid
function giveMoneyToKiller(totalAmmo,killer,killerWeapon,bodyPart) -- check the parameters on wiki, first one is not killer

Now you want to actually make the giveMoneyToKiller work.

So you add checks to see if the player who got killed and the killer were both in the colshape

-- inside giveMoneyToKiller
if killer and source ~= killer then -- first you want to check if it's a suicide or something like that.. Don't give money then
if isElementWithinColShape(source,warShape) and isElementWithinColShape(killer,warShape) then -- if both were in colshape
givePlayerMoney(killer,5000) -- again, it's not giveMoney, it's givePlayerMoney, see [url=http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=GivePlayerMoney]http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... layerMoney[/url]

Now you don't have to set the war area blinking because it would go blinking for everyone whenever anyone goes into it.

I didn't test the code but it should work. If you don't understand why something goes where, feel free to ask.

If you want adding the blinking then just again, make a function and event handlers pointing to it.

Also you could use debugscript so you can find errors more easily



http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... troduction

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